I am having a problem I have never had before, I am playing Arco and have Dom 9. The problem I have is that I seem to be getting run over by some critter that is eating my Dom up.
This is even with a Temple and 4 or 5 Priests preaching in the province, I have 5 red candles. I am the one used to doing that (with skeptics) but it MUST be pretty strong to overwrite 5 preachers and a temple. This isn't one border province but quite a few in places it shouldn't happen.
I have Flying Patrols to try and catch one of these guys but to no avail.
My question...(crispederson is a big proponent of this), Can I use Skeptics in my own province to kill HIS domain and at the same time use preachers to jump start my Dom?
It would seem that the skeptic part would work (if I had enough), but will Priests help it along...OR will it even work.
I hope someone understands what I am trying to get at.