Originally Posted by Gandalf Parker
Something I heard elsewhere which seemed worth considering. The tartans problem would be handled, but still fun, if each tartan was unique.
It would not. The existence of only unique SC summons would make them tremendously overpowered because there'd be no counter SCs. The whole game would come down to who could take possession of the most SC summons (assuming approximately equally skilled opponents).
Basically, absolutely limited quantities never made anything balanced. They only make the option more powerful.
There needs to be non-unique SC summons available to everyone, or no SC summons at all (which means no elemental royalty either). But if its going to be balanced, they should also be appropriately costed, and not dirt cheap like Tartarians currently are. I'll probably have increased their cost more than I have so far by the time I'm through. (Currently looking at 30d even with shattered soul and afflictions.)