Empowering thugs/SCs in Blood
...worthwhile at all?
Considering that Blood is by far the easiest path to get quite a lot of slaves for empowerment, it would seem viable to empower a chasis - particularly non-magic ones - to Blood 1, and giving them a couple of slaves to cast Blood Vengeance. This would give them an ubiquitious protection and crowd control ability that cannot be fully countered at all, and which would protect against almost anything. If fatigue is an issue, Reinvigoration is also Blood-1, and it's not so hard to script it right after.
Compared to gems, slaves are cheap and 30 slaves can be procured easily by even a small blood economy, as are the slaves needed to support the attack on-the-go. While certainly a waste for a thug/SC, the empowered "thing" can also earn his cost back blood hunting or - god forbid - researching.
The biggest problem here other than cost are the logistics of feeding a supply of blood slaves to your thug/SCs, and the fact that Blood Vengeance is at Blood-9. Considering all that, is this a viable strategy?