Re: Apotheosis (The game is online again!) [Send in your pretenders]
Oh, and for the record Mr. Blackguard, as to my experience, it is primarily in Dominions 2. ^_^
This is my 4th MP game, my first 3 are Countdown, Nubash, and Stackers respectively. Stackers is winding down for me, I'm getting creamed as MA Man vs. Jotes and Bandar, so I picked this one up.
I have yet to complete an MP game, so that would mean that I am a noob. I have a natural aptitude toward strategy games which should not necessarily translate into experience, but I agree with you about Ashdod after testing them and I was considering switching anyway. I have never played as Ashdod before, but I just can't get over the cool factor of all the dudes. Unfortunately, a dab of Alteration and a rush into Construction makes Ashdod almost insurmountable... and those undead giants...
Oh my god Thug...
Anyway, I hope you shall be gracious enough to let me tweak my Abysia pretender. It won't be long and I'll probably be ready by the time everyone else is anyway. ^_^
"Let your plans be dark and as impenetratable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt." -- Sun Tzu