October 21st, 2010, 04:06 AM
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Re: Weapons not firing correctly??
Originally Posted by Slane
Here’s another interesting development that may or may not be related to the problem. I’m still in battle number one of the campaign. I noticed that I was getting my weapons ranges in meters and not yards. I saved, clicked out to the main screen and reset the display to yards. Restarted my saved game and started back fighting. Now quite a few of my units are banging away with all their weapons. I had a M2A4 with experience of 51 cut loose on a SNLF infantry unit at about 100-150 yards with all three of its MGs.
My question is this, is there a difference in the programming when the computer tells weapon X to fires in meters and when it tells weapon X to fire in yards?
Select your preference in the Game Options -> Misc Tab -> Show ranges in (a rolling toggle - click till you see your desired unit - metres, hexes, yards).