Re: Bigger fonts mod
Attached is a further refinement. This one spaces the fonts one pixel further apart on numbers, most capitols and lower case vowels. The overall effect is less crowding of the letters making the text a bit easier to read.
This version will make "WinSPMBT Tutorial Scenario" 145x8 pixels wide and high on screen which is about 17% wider and 14% taller than the original font. So far the only place this doesn't quite fit as a replacement for spfont4 is in the preference screen when you get more than 9999 points so this font does most of what using spfont1 does as a replacement without 99% of the problems.
If anyone other than the two(2) guys who have complained the fonts on those screens are too small could give me some feedback on how this looks to people who DO NOT have a problem reading the existing fonts I would appreciate it.
Make a copy of your existing font folder then extract this one to the original FONTS folder. Play the game for awhile then let me know if this seems too big or hard to read or what ever. If you like it, Great.... let me know and you can leave it in, if you don't like it, that's fine, let me know anyway ( we need the feedback )then copy the original spfont4.dat from your back up folder into the FONTS folder and that will restore the original.
I am not planning at this time of replacing spfont4 with this ( for those confused by all this spfont4 is used , among many other places, to display the scenario names , once you put this in you instantly see where the old one was used ). As of now this is intended to be a new font we could use on some screens so FEEDBACK IS IMPORTANT now rather than later. However, there MAY be people who find this more pleasing to read than the standard so once again ----FEEDBACK IS IMPORTANT.
Last edited by DRG; May 15th, 2011 at 01:30 PM..