UI Requests
I appreciate the support illwinter has given dom3.
I know that I have received value when I purchased the game.
I have even learned the user interface down to the shift-z to put blood slaved into the lab....and I like it.
Still, I have a couple of areas that would improve my personal UI experience that I don't think would require much effort.
When a site searching message request appears from one of the remote spells. Would it be possible to indicate success/failure on the first line of text? Instead of saying "Bozo has cast Auspex" could it read "Auspex revealed 2 sites in Underhome." Even better would it be possible to change the "go to" to go to the province and not the original caster?
In the VERY useful Nation overview list (which could get it's own button and I wouldn't mind) would it be possible to sort the list alphabetically? by income? Sort the list so that provinces I do not control but have scouts in are at the bottom of the list? And finally, would it be possible to put an * or mark on the list indicating provinces that I control where I can build stealth leaders such as scouts? Few things are worse than having a 30 province nation and searching province by province to find exactly where I can build a scout.
Thank you again for seven years of great gameplay.