Post Diluvium
Edit: I added an alternate version that comes with no fixed start locations. Please download it below.
Hello everyone,
I have created a new map for the new game that is starting up, "Myth".
However, it can be played by anyone, so take a look and see if you enjoy it! I drew it in Photoshop over the course of 2 days.
I plan on making some more maps in the future, so I would like some feedback on the map. I have included a poll for this purpose. Please be honest!
So, without further delay, I give to you:
Created by Matthew Joseph Maelaro Brodie
Recommended for 6-7 players.
78 provinces, 9 of which are water.
6 land starts + 1 sea start.
After the sudden disappearence of the previous Pantokrator, the world was consumed by a massive flood. A great oracle forsaw the coming armageddon, and even though millions of lives were lost in the ensuing destruction, a handful of civilizations managed to survive by escaping in great ships. Now they have found their way to a mysterious continent that has risen from the depths, and they are prepared to stake their claim. With the absence of the original Pantokrator, a power vacuum has emerged, leading to the rise of new Pretenders, all of them fighting for what they believe to be their rightful place on the Ascended Throne.
The map is a bit tight, so it will lead to a fast paced, brutal game that focuses on early game strategies!
I hope you all enjoy it!
Last edited by BrodieSWR; September 17th, 2011 at 04:00 PM..