Re: Fatigue 100- ?
A lvl 4 D mage casting darkness would normally get 200 points of fatigue. But the spell is 400 points and it requires lvl4 you say? Yea but fatigue from a self-cast spell maxes out at 200. Even it it say that it will give 400 it will never give more than 200.
Thus a lvl 5 mage is equally bad as a lvl 4 mage for casting this particular spell, because they both end up with 200 fat at the end of it.
This is necessary if you think of it. Consider the spell master enslave that is lvl 8 and requires 8 pearls to cast. It also gives 800 points of fatigue. If the above was not so, the only way that anyone could cast this spell and live would be to have astral 10 and 10 pearls and that would be a little excessive dont you think?