Originally Posted by Olm
Congrats to Shatner.
Very nice reverse communion with gifts from heaven spam. I was happy to be only a spectator and no participant of that battle. A nightmare to be target of that meteor shower. I guess the once mighty ermorian empire has some dire time ahead.
Many thanks for the kind words, but they are deserved of both combatants. Ermor has been a tenacious, resourceful and skilled opponent. Had we challenged them alone, we would have lost and lost swiftly. T'ien Ch'i has payed dearly from the conflict and every soldier and priest will say that Ermor is a blight that, left unchecked, would have consumed all. However, every soldier and priest will say that there has been no worthier a foe than Ermor. The fact that it took a 19 mage communion calling down no less than 150 meteors to ruin their army is proof of their terrifying strength and resolve. Cheers to a worthy opponent!
Now, please, please, please stay dead.