Re: DHG - Deadhouse Gates. Non NewB. 7/9 players remain
let's do the math.
a. Last turn message:
Hello! Please find the attached turn file - Bretonnia turn 57 for the game DeadhouseGatesI.
The next 2h file is due in by 05:24 GMT on Monday October 31st.
b. admin log:
16:51 GMT on Sunday October 30th Hosting delayed by 120 hours.
" so 5 days added which brings us 05:24 GMT on Saturday so the time was right, it just that quick host was off so AFAIK it shouldn't have hosted.
re. roll back. I'm not at war so I don't mind, nor effected, as player. As admin. I really object to roll backs, the mere option of rollback can bring a lot of noise & arguments.
However, considering that there's a big war going on and that an entire side, comprised of three nations, has staled there's certainly reason to roll back.
A possible problem is that the stalers can see the non staler moves and counter them. This will give them an unfair advantage, unless perhaps the non staler could also resend his turn.
I'm not sure what's the right thing to do and I'd really appreciate everyone's opinions.