Originally Posted by shatner
Unless you wish to be named a pact-breaker, you will observe our NAP-3 and refrain from invading for a full three months. Is your imperialistic fervor really so strong that all other concerns, such as past agreements, are forgotten? That is a pity; we had mistaken Man for an honorable and civilized nation but are now shown the folly of our trusting ways.
We do not remember such a formal agreement. Could you give us prove for its existence We would surely hold to it.
(I mean this. We did some diplomatic talking ingame, but I can't remember such a pact, and cannot look it up. Perhaps you could load an old turn, and make a screenshot.)
Originally Posted by shatner
Furthermore, there is something perverse about nearly going to war several times over not getting to conquer enough of Ermor (despite showing up awfully late to the party, I might add) and then suddenly declaring yourself the grand protector of Ermor and riding out to their defense.
We agree, but helping Ermor was always Our first choice. We should have done so long ago. Better late than never.
Originally Posted by shatner
If you are going to war on two nations who have treated with you peaceably and done you the service of striking down your greatest rival, at least have the dignity to declare it as such. We, the masters of T'ien Ch'i, find your justifications flimsy and your rhetoric both craven and self-serving.
At least We have the decency to declare formal war. An honor Ermor never received from both of you.