AI fighters needs better weapons!!
I had a similar post before about AI fighters only using DUC L1 as their weapons. Memphisto said it was because the AI was running out of cargo space to put in new designs but after my recent game (another defeat), I think it is not so:
The AI, namely the Amon'kries, were putting out some advanced heavy fighters with ECM and Shield IIIs, but they are STILL using DUC L1...This got to be a design flaw because if the AI has the cargo space to build heavy fighters which was around turn 150 he surely has some newer better small weapon mounts than DUC I.
But even that I lost the game because my supply fleet carrying most of my fighters to the frontlines were destroyed and the AI moved in quickly.. still, 'd be nice if my advanced fighter Groups could have some tougher opponents......sound like masochism huh?