Re: The Good, the Bad intermediates and the Ugly noobs (Running)
I had originally persuaded Fomoria to join me in my assault, I'd long been thinking of betraying the NAP of Hinnom and I for many turns. He attacked first while I launched the surprise offensive. My armies did take many hits though, I lost atleast 20 mages in direct combat and fighting. Lost dozens others in magic duels and suicide bombings. So don't believe I just waltzed in and took it all free of charge like Fomoria claims.
I love love love Diplo. I know I've contacted all of you atleast five or more times this game and It's one of the reasons this game is so great, you can create anything with another willing player. Truthfully this was the first game I'd ever played with Machiavellian style diplomacy. I'm typically completely loyal to my allies, the dealings we have, and only fight on decent terms. However, the positioning I was in and the fact I was surrounded by three giant nations and two blood had forced me to make a harsh choice.
Die by turn 20, or break off a piece of that kit-kat bar.