Re: Giants and Dwarves [MA; CBM ; Noob friendly] [Full 12/12]
incidentally, lego, hope you don't get caught in the crossfire. as i stated before(but Dr Dbag here must have missed it as he was parsing for clues as to my mental state) i was mistaken when i said you were allied. so for the record(and the second time) i have no prob with you.
in honor of you, Dr Earwax, i have decided to roll play the rest of my remaining games as if i have gone insane! you can even check them if you don't beleive me. since this game became no fun, i am going to use your assertion that i am not ok mentally to make the other games a blast!
incidentally, i should thank you Dr. SelfAgrandizement. you did teach me a bit about being more cautious in diplomacy. also, i met some nice people that had some funny stories.