November 30th, 2012, 08:53 AM
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Re: Ideas how to improve WinSP MBT/WW2 !
Originally Posted by dmnt
Originally Posted by Aeraaa
Why it isnt doable?
Just put a mountainous looking terrain with the name "tunnel", which is impervious to artillery and air attacks and more vulnerable to flame weapons. Units will still be visible to it.
I'm a software developer, but not one for this game. Here's a list that comes to my mind:
1) Moving units should know whether they're on top of the tunnel or inside the tunnel. Can you move to hexes outside of the tunnel? How do you go in to the tunnel?
2) Spotting & visibility. How to prevent units in the tunnel from being shown? Is the tunnel a straight line?
3) Great number of changes in Map editor.
4) The concept of SPMBT is "2.5-D", that is that there's the height information but no "depth". It's just a two-dimensional surface with some rules. So a lot of things will be affected.
It just looks too big a change to do.
That's pretty much it.