Getting the AI to use APCs/MICVs?
Hi all,
I'm recently back playing the game against consistently (had been playing Wargame:European Escalation for a bit but I really need the realism that SP:MBT offers!).
Anyways, is there some way to 'encourage' the AI to purchase and utilize APCs/MICVs?
I tend to play in the 6-8k point range and generally Pact vs Nato in the 80's. I've played a handful of battles recently and I have never seen either side using APCs/MICVs. Almost every OOB I oppose is a lot of dismount infantry, missile teams, and some MBTs (and some support). This is for meeting engagements.
I tried increasing the size of the map to see if that influenced the AI's choices but even at 100 hexes wide, the vast bulk of it's force consists of dismounted infantry.
I've tried both 'Tank-heavy AI' on and off and there doesnt seem to be much of a difference between the two (perhaps a platoon of tanks different).
Are there certain game conditions I can set to see more APCs/MICVs from the AI rather than massed dismounts?
Thanks in advance for any help!