Originally Posted by Suhiir
Now, if it bothers you enough to do ALL the research yourself and create a custom OOB, based on verifiable research NOT "best guess" go for it !
Nah, that's not my point to get the oobs redone. However, if I choose to do a scen using SEAL, USMC, ROKS, for example, then yeah, I would tweak the
units I needed too, while leaving the oob untouched. So, I might build a custom formation in Mobhack, then over in Scenhack change somethings, then in the game Editor use the D key to change the load outs, etc.
I mean, I try to let the player know when I've tweaked units (for game sim play experience based on solid research.) I don't open my mouth without references, else someone put a foot in it.