Sorry for the double post! Timed out on editing.
Here are the aforementioned transports I am interested in using in the mod. What do you think of the spread?
There are some nice support designs (gunboats), which can also be used as riverine support craft for jungle type scenarios (trips up the Congo river etc).
Perhaps we could come up with a projection for a 1960s MFP (both transport and gunboat) that could then be used to replace the earlier models as they come off as a bit antiquated by 1960.
Although the Germans had
pure infantry transports (Infanterieboote, Sturmboote etc) I feel that they don't really cut the mustard for an amphibious landing. They also come off as rather antiquated designs.
As I see it we can go down two routes. Either we stick to the MFP Type D as an all around transporter with the Einheitslandungsboot (ELB) as a lighter alternative until 1960 - thereafter just an MFP derivative, or we can create a dedicated infantry transporter along the lines of the Pionierlandungsboot and use the MFP and ELB for tanks, trucks etc.
What would you say?
Here are links to reference material for each listed vessel. A size comparison between the MFP and ELB is provided at the bottom of the list.
Transport (Tank and/or Infantry)
Marinefährprahm (MFP) Type D (equivalent to the LCT)
Einheitslandungsboot Typ NL (lighter than the MFP more for infantry or cargo)
Gunboat (Arty and FlaK)
Artilleriefährprahm Typ D, 3. Ausführung (AF D3)
Einheitslandungsboot Typ AL (Artillerie-Landungsboot)
Pionierlandungsboot = PiLb (smaller German barge - good as infantry transports)
Either the 39 or 41 design. Anything else becomes too big again.
Size comparison: