The to-hit number?
If I am cycling round a set of potential targets and one is
way ahead of the others then I know to take that one. But then again, if the lower number is say a T-55 and the higher is an APC, the T-55 might take precedence.
But I dont sit there for hours obsessing if I should go for the shot at 12% or the one at 17%... its neither here nor there.
If the shot needs to be taken, then its taken. Simples.
The to-hit chance reported by the T key sequence is only a basic "gunner's guestimate" as it does
not have any of the random numbers generated, and its for the slot 1 (primary) weapon. The hit %age displayed on actually firing
has had the random effects applied, which can be for the better
or worse. If the random numbers were run then users would complain that when they switch away and back, the number shown for target X yo-yos, confusing the end user and so then "wah boo-hoo I found a
