If you have an original version 1 CD then you have to patch that up to version 5 with the correct patch off the Shrapnel WinSPWW2 page.
winSPWW2 Consolidation Patch
However - in order to do that, you will first have to install version 1 to the correct folder structure used by the patches since windows 7 messed up the usual folders. The version 1 installer will still be pointing into the windows folder used before windows 7.
This is all covered in the
Game Installation section of the Game Guide:
Windows Vista or Windows 7 installation
If you are running the game under Vista or Windows 7, install the game to a separate Games folder (directory), DO NOT install the game in the default Program Files folder (Vista or Windows 7 only -XP and earlier it is OK to install under Program Files). However you will need to remember this new path when installing any patches.
This new folder must be outside the “Program Files” hierarchy, in order to avoid Vista and later operating system’s attempts to “manage” the game files in what it considers to be a “system” area.
The simplest way to do this would be to edit the default installation location line the installer uses by removing \Program files, so change this...
C:\Program Files\Shrapnel Games\The Camo Workshop\WinSPWW2
to this...
C:\Shrapnel Games\The Camo Workshop\WinSPWW2
However, you may be happier with something like
Use Windows Explorer to create this before running the installer, or the appropriate ‘make new folder’ control in the installer’s navigation screen, as you prefer.
(Note that I have bolded the bit you will have to change in the file path of the version 1 installer in the above quote)
then apply the next 2 patches
winSPWW2 V9b Consolidation Upgrade (2016)
winSPWW2 V11 Upgrade (2018)
in that order
The latest CD (and DL) main versions start at version 5 (IIRC) and have the recommended file paths. For your new CD version simply apply the last 2 patches:
winSPWW2 V9b Consolidation Upgrade (2016)
winSPWW2 V11 Upgrade (2018)
in that order