Originally Posted by mccarty.geoff
I believe we're two steps behind Russia's level of sophisticated air defence. Our best development so far is the AN/MPQ-64 Sentinel. We just don't have missile boosters anywhere near the S-300+. New Stingers can definitely knock anything out 3km away but, after that I bet the chances drop hard. Russian attack helicopters aren't gonna be so kind as too fly low, steady, and without countermeasures for our little stockpile of Stingers to matter.
SHORAD Stryker is just another pigeonholed stop gap attempt at finally doing something about air defence. I bet the program will be cancelled after the 2nd battalion is built.
There are no enemies in real life with the capabilities that would require the USA to have such systems.
Other than a "freak" attack, who is going to have a fleet of gunships or ground attack planes attacking US positions? If it is a proper war, no country on Earth can muster the quality and numbers needed to go 1 on 1 against them. That's why I assume* there isn't much effort into close air defense.
*I assume as for some crazy reason the Americans do not ask for my ideas on what to do.