Fyron, Digital signatures have been around for a long time,..
Here is a blatant example of a digital signature using my name..
In this example I used the RGB method of imbedding my name, the size of my name is 5 pixels and the colors of the pixels is defined by the ascii value of the letters in my name..
David Gervais
Hex example: R44 G97 B118 R105 G68 B00 R47 G65 B72 R76 G61 B69 R71 G00 B00
Decimal example: R068 G097 B118 R105 G068 B000 R071 G101 B114 R118 G097 B105 R115 G000 B000
You can also do variations of the digital signature, by just using the 'R', 'G', or 'B' values (which would make your digital signature in shades of Red green or blue.)
In my tiny example, the more 'visible' sig has each pixel greatly enlarged in size. the Last 5 pixels in the bottom right of this small gif are the sig in actual size. as you can see, it's hard to make out visually when there is something bigger to draw your attention away from the sig. even if that something is just a bigger Version of the sig in an avatar frame.
[ May 10, 2003, 12:50: Message edited by: David E. Gervais ]