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Old November 7th, 2003, 06:38 AM
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Default Re: OT: Movies I Have Seen Lately

Matrix Revolutions

Last night was opening night for this movie. The theater was totally packed and there was a long long lineup. I could only make it in to the very late show, so by the time I got home it was almost 2 am. Didn't get much sleep. Anyway...

If anyone figures out what is going on in this movie, and what really went on in the previous movie, please explain! I was hoping that the mysterious stuff from Reloaded would be all cleared up in the third movie, but no, the questions are not answered. I still have no clue what is happening. I must say, the first Matrix movie was better than either of the two sequels.

OK, so the machines drill through the ground and finally make it to the Last human city of Zion deep in the earth. There's a big battle where the humans try to defend the city, but they're losing. In the matrix, Agent Smith has zillions of duplicates and is becoming really powerful. They don't really explain why Smith has this ability or why he's so special. Neo is in a sort of coma but his mind is in a strange reality which is not the matrix but not the real world either, and he's trapped there. The place looks like a train station and he can't leave without the cooperation of a A.I. guy named the Train Man or something like that, who is one of the bad guys, and Neo gets beaten up by him. Morpheous and Trinity visit the Oracle, who looks like a different person now, and she tells them to make a deal with the powerful French A.I. guy from the Last movie, to free Neo. So Morpheous and Trinity go and fight their way into the French guy's hideout and after a lot of making threats and pointing guns at each other, he agrees to free Neo. So Neo is able to get back into the real world. Then he decides to fly one of the ships to the Machine City to try to stop the war. The guy on the ship who was taken over by Agent Smith's mind gets up and kills one of the crew. So Neo and Trinity go on Niobe's ship, while everybody else (Morpheous, the captain and crew of the other ship, Niobe, Linx, and so on) are on the other ship, and they try to get back into Zion by flying through a narrow shaft that is very difficult to pilot through. So Niobe's flying the ship, and sentinels attack them, and to make a long story short, they get back to Zion and use the EMP pulse to kill a bunch of the machines that were attacking the city. But more machines attack and it is obvious that the humans are doomed. On Neo's ship, the guy who is possessed by Agent Smith attacks Trinity and Neo, and Neo manages to kill him but Neo's eyes are burned and he's blinded. However, for some reason he has developed a new power and he can see. On the way to the Machine City, the ship is attacked but Neo can blow up the sentinels with his mind, and they manage to get there, but Trinity is killed. They don't explain why Neo has all these new powers in the real world. In the Matrix, Agent Smith has absorbed the Oracle and he's now able to fly, just like Neo. In the Machine City, Neo makes a deal with the machines, saying that he will stop Agent Smith if the machines agree to stop the war with Zion. So Neo goes into the Matrix and there's a big battle between Smith and Neo. In the end, Neo seems to lose, and Smith absorbs Neo, but then all the Smiths explode. The machines stop attacking Zion and they leave. Neo is lying on the platform in the machine city, but it's not clear whether he's alive or dead. The people in Zion are all cheering and happy that they made it. Then in the Matrix, there's a brief conversation betwen the Architect and the Oracle. The End.

What???? There are so many unanswered questions.
Why is Neo able to destroy machines in the real world?
Why is Neo able to see when he's blind?
Was Zion really destroyed and rebuilt many times?
What's all this cryptic stuff about balancing the equation and unbalancing it, and the One being a manifestation of the imbalance or something like that?
Why is Agent Smith able to duplicate himself? What's so special about him?
Where there really many 'Ones' before Neo, and what happened to the previous Ones?
Why did Neo come back to life near the end of the first movie?

They said that the story of the Matrix is over and there will be no more sequels. The first movie was very good, but in the sequels they introduced way too much weird stuff...
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Old November 7th, 2003, 06:50 AM

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Default Re: OT: Movies I Have Seen Lately

You got home at 2am?
I hope you thought of all us Ozzies who watched the premier at 1am.
And when I say "us Ozzies" I mean that people who went to it, which I might have before my 'fatherhood' days.
I'll see it in about 2 weeks time and watch the conclusion of the triology, mind you, I already suppect where it is heading.
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Old November 7th, 2003, 07:37 AM
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Default Re: OT: Movies I Have Seen Lately

Matrix 3


WTF happend here? I actually like the movie despite its lame *** ...... You have to see it


This movie made a lot of sense even though I missed the first 15 minutes of it because of traffic. (oh well, thats what I get for buying my tick on Fandango.) All most all of the questions from the first two movies were answered. You just have to listen for them. Basically put, Neo is able to exsist in both the machine world (Matix) and the real world. He is a product of both and therefore can manipulate both. In the Matrix he can manipulate physics, in the real world he can control the machines, partly. Zion had indeed been destroyed many times and rebuilt, kinda like Vade is Lukes father. You just have to wait for it to be explained better in the next triliogy. Oh ya, there will be a sequal, that you can count on.

Well lets talk about the movie now. The movie explains that Neo has gained the ability to control the machines much like the programs in the matrix have gained the ability to reproduce. Neo begins to understand that the Matrix is as much a living breathing things now as any human. He is advised by the new Oricle to follow his path and that he already knows his path and the answers to his questions. The answer is he is the balancer in the unstable equation that is Agent Smith.

The Machines do indeed breech into Zion, and this leads to one of the best battle scense I have seen since the Original Star Wars. Very impressive and I look forward to seeing it agian.

Trinity dies and Neo sacarfices his freedom, and possibly his life to bring the war between the humans and the Machines to an end. Neo travels to the Machine city and confronts the Machine lord who agrees to end the war if Neo can defeat the rogue virus program that calls itself Agent Smith. Agent smith has infected everything in the Matrix including the Oricle and when Neo arrives to fight him he beats him. Neo is defeated and allows Smith to convert him into a likeness of himself as he had done with all of the other programs in the Matrix. This proved to be Smiths undoing as it balanced the matrix and cancled him out. The movie ends with the Machines pulling away from Zion, Neo being hauled away by the Machines, and The matrix restored with the agreement that any human that wishes to leave may.

Lame ending to an otherwise ok movie. For the Zion battle scenes, I recommend this movie be seen at the theater. Best time Matenee, but worth the $10.00 prime time showing as well.

Remember I also thought Pearl Harbor was ok as well. So take my recommendations with a grain of salt.

[ November 07, 2003, 05:53: Message edited by: Atrocities ]
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Old November 7th, 2003, 07:59 PM

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Default Re: OT: Movies I Have Seen Lately



5 minutes into the movie you make a decision. Do i try to figure it out or just watch the movie. I just watched the movie. What happened.
easy. the 7th reset happened.
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Old November 8th, 2003, 02:55 AM
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Default Re: OT: Movies I Have Seen Lately


Well put, the seventh reset. That would have been the better name for the movie. The Matrix - The Seventh Reset.

I think that they had no idea how to direct this monster they have created and opted to go for the money. You know with an ending like that there is going to be a sequal or three.

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Old November 8th, 2003, 03:13 AM

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Default Re: OT: Movies I Have Seen Lately


Whats Seventh Reset? Anyhow, i enjoyed the movie. One of the reasons was i had very low expectations of it, but it was okay. i didnt enjoy the cheesy cheesy dying scene (you know whats that), and the Last 20 minutes of the movie... the fighting was lame, and so was the end, but the movie was okay. A couple of cheap tricks and dead-end mysteries, but its okay. As i said, i liked the movie and i'd recommend it to everyone.
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Old November 8th, 2003, 04:30 AM
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Default Re: OT: Movies I Have Seen Lately

The architecht guy in the 2nd movie belaboured that point.
There were 6 previous incarnations of The One, which would make Neo the 7th.
Mr Architect implied that all 6 went through with the reset (Zion gets wiped out, pick X-many people to repopulate and start from scratch)
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Old November 8th, 2003, 04:50 PM
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Default Re: OT: Movies I Have Seen Lately

*Spoiler ahead*
My problem with the film is that it did not make me care about the characters in the movie. You know that the fight between Neo and Smith will decide the outcome so where is the point of the long battle in Zion? Nothing that happens in Zion makes a difference and we know this from the very beginning of the film. Did the love between Trinity and Neo make any difference? Was the destruction of Smith all there is to Neo? How sad.

[ November 09, 2003, 21:38: Message edited by: Mephisto ]
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Old November 8th, 2003, 09:27 PM

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Default Re: OT: Movies I Have Seen Lately

I agree mephisto, but put a SPOILER on your post. But still, I agree, this is what the movie was lacking - some identification with the characters, and feeling of importance of what is being done. Well said.
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Old November 8th, 2003, 09:48 PM
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Default Re: OT: Movies I Have Seen Lately

A spoiler is kind of redundant... of course everything in here is a spoiler of some sort!
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