Edit: Engine errors corrected, typo corrected, new torp mount (long range).
Get it Here:
This will be the final upload of my mount mod for the forseeable future. It has alot of changes (and yes, tonnes of mounts ). Most notibly the Gatling mounts have been re-balanced to make them less than the uber-weapons they were.
Engine Mounts (Civilian/Merchant/Military)
Robo-Miner Mounts (with levels)
Short and Long range Missile Mounts (with levels)
removal of key overpowered mounts and rebalance of tech levels on a few mounts.
Comments as always are welcome, hopefully you will like this one .
A final note on the Long/Short range missile mounts. Yes I know, you can NOT affect the range or damage of the seeker itself with mounts, these mounts instead affect the range at which the seeker is launched. Either eliminating the time the target has to 'missile dance' (short range) or firing before the target enters range (Long range) so there is less time to target impace (ie , weapon platforms that can't move anyway). Hopefully they will be useful (I think they will )
A personal note about my prolonged absenses from this forum.
Yes I'm burnt out. (lol, a little). Happens with every game I buy (though this one took a LOT longer to burn out on). I will still be around as this is still my homepage but I won't be doing much in the way of se4 'output'. At least for now. I will keep the mount mod up to date and as always my e-mail is open for any questions or comments (as are my PM's). Its been a bLast guys, this game and this forum are great (the best community on the web IMO) but other things are calling for my time (life/work/marrige/MTGO

amoung other things). I look forward to the next releases in the Space Empires family (may the frandchise live long and prosper

) This is not so much a good-bye as it is a ' I'll see you in a bit'.
( wEEE had much fun with this game and are glad wEEE helped a little in its EEEvilution

[ March 08, 2003, 19:26: Message edited by: Deathstalker ]