Foiden: B5 did go the entire five seasons, and had one of the best final episodes I've seen.
I actually thought the ending was pretty good, true to the style of the other endings in the series. Then again, I haven't been able to keep up with the series... I've watched all of season 1, I missed a few of season 2, missed all but a few of season 3 (caught the Last few episodes), and I've only seen one other episode in season 4.
Perhaps everyone was setting expectations unrealistically high for the final episode? Myself, I was just expecting it to tie things up, and leave a few things up to the imagination.
The final episode of B5 did that; Sheridan dies/taken beyond rim, station decommissioned, shows what the rest of the characters did with their lives, wondering where they go from there... Ivonava's final line, going something like "... there can always be new beginnings, even for people like us."
Another one that I'm recalling is the end of Quantum Leap. Dr. Beckett gets cut off from "the present", and continues leaping (while not swapping positions with anyone). Everything is made all better for Al, and you're left wondering where Sam goes from there (obviously not home).
Now for Farscape, everyone is pretty much taken care of. There's the option of what happens with Scorpius & Co.; Moya/Pilot, D'Argo, Chyana, Rygel, Stark, and the Old Lady; and whether that whole "neutralization" thing is really permanant (anyone remember the old Batman episode where the world's leaders are turned into piles of Kool-Aid powder?

). The wormhole to Earth is plugged (popped?), removing the option of getting there (since I'm fairly sure everyone has settled on the fact that wormholes are the only way to Earth, correct?). And the whole Peacekeeper v. Scarran thing remains at a stalemate.
The "To Be Continued..." bit at the end did suprise me, though. I don't think there is any real chance of the series being resurrected; if nobody else has picked it up by now, nobody is going to. Perhaps someone will do a movie to conclude it (or if Sci-Fi decides to do a little more with it, probably a mini-series

). This, of course, will most likely flop, since it will only really appeal to Farscape's fan base, and that fan base will be divided... those who are bitter, thought the ending was horrible, want canon to be upheld, etc. will most likely not watch any spinoff movie, mini-series, or full series.