
March 1st, 2004, 06:01 PM
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Re: Once Upon The Stars (Updated 07-04-04)
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March 2nd, 2004, 04:10 AM
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Re: Once Upon The Stars (Updated 07-04-04)
You might have a point there.  Thanks.
The thing is a nuke is a very devistating weapon. The fact that CSm's have nuclear cores or war heads probibly makes them lower yeild or something. I will say that that the Tacticle nuke used in the Last chapter is significantly much higher yeild than a standard CSM. (Which will be used in later chapters if I ever get around to writing them.)
Thanks for the help on figuring this out. 
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March 2nd, 2004, 04:16 AM
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Re: Once Upon The Stars (Updated 07-04-04)
I wonder why no one has read this latest installment. This was so far buried that one needed to pipe air into it to keep it alive.
Creator of the Star Trek Mod - AST Mod - 78 Ship Sets - Conquest Mod - Atrocities Star Wars Mod - Galaxy Reborn Mod - and Subterfuge Mod.

March 2nd, 2004, 06:28 AM
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Re: Once Upon The Stars (Updated 07-04-04)
Here is the link to the first page of my own story. Thank you.
Games played: Baldur's Gate, Baldur's Gate II, Planescape - Torment, Fallout 2, Super Robot Wars 3(English translation), Final Fantasy IV(Fan-translated version) Final Fantasy VI, Final Fantasy - Mystic Quest, Dragonball Z: Legend of the Super Saiyan, DBTC, X-COM, Deus Ex, Thief I+II, Space Empires IV, Homeworld, Star Trek - 25th Anniversary, Age of Empires II, Freespace 2, Sonic & Knuckles, Super Mario All Stars + World, Super Mario Wolrd 2, Super Mario RPG, Laxius Power, Romancing Walker, Avernum 2, Geneforge, Diablo, Starcraft+Expansion, Uplink: The Hacker Elite, Space Empires IV Gold, Jagged Alliance II, Megaman 7, Megaman & Bass, Megaman X, Megaman X2, Megaman X3, Megaman Zero, Megaman Zero 2, Myst, Aliens VS Predator 2...the list goes on.

March 2nd, 2004, 10:49 AM
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Re: Once Upon The Stars (Updated 07-04-04)
AT: Just got round to reading it, nice to see everything coming together. I'll ask again though, any chance of posting the entire story somewhere? It would be much easier to read that way than picking through this thread.
As for the nukes... remember that a nuke fired against a target in space (ie against a ship in se4 combat) would be far less devastating than one that detonates in a planetary atmosphere, because in space there is nothing to carry the bLast wave.

March 2nd, 2004, 12:34 PM
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Re: Once Upon The Stars (Updated 07-04-04)
Once I have the rewrite done I don't see a problem with posting it somewhere. 
Creator of the Star Trek Mod - AST Mod - 78 Ship Sets - Conquest Mod - Atrocities Star Wars Mod - Galaxy Reborn Mod - and Subterfuge Mod.

March 2nd, 2004, 04:49 PM
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Re: Once Upon The Stars (Updated 07-04-04)
Still intriguing.
Want more!
No complaints about the substance but some about the grammar and spelling.
I'm swedish and we don't seperate words as much as the english language does, so some of these corrections might be wrong, there where more wordseperations aswell but I'm uncertain as to how it's handled in the english language.
Hey, I only know two languanges, english and swedish and I don't know any of them perfectly!
so some spelling suggestions are propably wroong, I'm quite uncertain about "aide" especially!
Anyway, the story is so good that I'd like the spelling errors corrected, the auto spellers suck!
If you want me to stop critizing say so and I'll happily oblige, but I'd appreciate if anyone checked my stories.
arms out stretched
A space to much I think.
They dragged me onto the bridge and dropped me on the deck right in front of him as he sat in a command chair that look a lot like a thrown.”
Should be throne.
of your life rotting away in the hell of my dudgeons!”
now sitting cross legged on his thrown.
crosslegged and throne
You many win this war Devon
“You’re mad!” Hissed Tom as he quicky came to his feet and was stomach punched by the rifle butt of one of his Alliance guards
Tom is allowed to bring his alliance guards with him??
and it drove him down on one knee but he never took his eyes off of Gore
Hadn't he just drawn himself up to kneeing position?
by slammed him face down
hand and started to slowly stood
stand up perhaps?
regards to you’re farther
your and father
and it hurt to breath.
breathe ??
what was no expected
Tom thought for moment, there was something else, some familiar now.
was it something or someone?
of the bridge exists
standing out side watching as the great
see Richard, his aid, as he came
aide ???
just barely out ran the bLast
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