Here I go...
Empire name: "Army of steel". "Steel" would be a facelift

Hope you don't mind this really small detail.
-Similarly, "Barren realms elite", "Biomenac biomenace", "Blank" (?), "Comander88's Space Dock" should be "Commander88", "Common knowledge", "Crystal caves", "Dueling starships", "Empire of darkness", "Endless horror", Fates of twinion", "Fire and ice", "Global domination", "Governmental control", "Knights of xentar", "Machine nation", "Metal marines", "Selkis lii(?)", "Speices 8472" should be "Species", "Star crusaders", "Stardef star defence", "Stellar conquest", "Techno freak"?. WOW! You added a lot of nice names!
-I suppose you mean "Elerian Elevators from hell" the way it is?
-"Elvis-n-Space" supposed to be "in"? "The Maquis" supposed to be The Marquis? or not.
Emperor Title: "Judex Surpreme" should be "Supreme", "Regeant" should be "Regent", "Superintendant" should be "Superintendent".
- WHEW, facelifts part over!
- Hmmm Culture Modifiers have been changed to a range of -20 to +40. Wow. But it's your choice
Racial Traits: Efficiency freaks. "Freaks". Advanced Storage and Tiny both give you 130% but Tiny, according to the description (i don't read code =P), gives the same bonus. Perhaps tone Storage down to 120% or raise Tiny to 140%?
- Why are there 3 Moody's? typo under Suicidal: "loses" should be "losses". ROFL I love suicidal!
- Typo in Demeanor: "Sleezy" should be "Sleazy", "Venegful" should be "Vengeful".
Game starts...
- Why is the reason for Basic Bridge? why does it come after the normal one?
- "We are reciving an automated message from this planet."
- "We have reason to belive there is alien technolegy on this planet."
- The "Burger King" description should have "engraved" instead of "ingraved".
- The description of the ship the size of an entire moon gets truncated at "imperial marki"...
- The description for the buried resupply base should read "bases" instead of "base".
- Space port costs 38kT? holy. Resupply, Space Yards, 12k and 20k? Oh goodness me.
- My Homeworld has 0% reproduction at Indifferent happiness. Something's not right... 12/16B at this stage.
- Advanced Power Conservation is quite cheap at 1000...
- Colo Tech at High Tech Level is still bugged. I get lvl 1 tech instead of 3 for homeworld type tech. Does the game allow this to be modded?
- Typo? "Multy-Pumped Quantum Engine I".
- Hey are you serious about the high level hulls having such incredible damage resistance? Combat won't finish in 30 rounds, by my guess... Haven't got around to testing that... And the hulls are way cheap!
- Small typo in Large Fighter Bay. "fighter" should be "fighters".
- Have you tested whether Research from ships gets back to the Empire without a Spaceport in that system?
- The Continuous Anti-Proton Beam states in its description +65% to hit, but isn't in the Abilities. Is it for real?
- "___ Laser Turret" has a typo "powerfull".
- "Kazar Beam Cannons" has typo "streems".
- "Negitive Ion beams"? Or "Negative"? same thing in description, so i don't know.
- PD missiles! WOW! Maybe could add some Rad cost.
- Hydrogen Bombs have higher levels?
- 1M reasearch points for Colo Tech Level 2.. high?
Gotta go!