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Old July 13th, 2004, 05:23 PM

trooper trooper is offline
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Default Re: Space Empires 101 - Galactic Council

No new issue this month ? strange...

As the "first in / first settled" rule also applies to me, I've undertooken to let cyber build and colonize Iapetus system and let Eysk make Carmionas one of their systems.
So no one will say that I'm used to grab any planet / asteroid in sight, no matter who is already there...

Eysk have stolen Buber XVIII planet from Klingons using intel. As this planet was supposed to belong to Flesh eaters, I suggest to let them find an arrangement together.

I'm also glad to say that more than half of Klingon worlds have been freed. Despite some bad orders given to my troop transports Last month
(some novice officers are responsible for this regrettable error and have been fired) which have delayed several ground attacks, this issue will be over soon.
I'm still waiting for dog warriors to attack Klingons troops in their own systems... If Nothing is done soon, I'll have to do it by myself.

I also welcome the Wendigos in the WCP, as we have signed a partnership treaty this month.

For peace and wealth

Sky Marechal Brunwick
Citizen Federation
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Old July 13th, 2004, 05:36 PM

AMF AMF is offline
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Default Re: Space Empires 101 - Galactic Council

For years now, Thermolia and the Corporate Commonwealth have stood side by side in their stuggles against their enemies and the forces of Darkness. While the RCC never really beleived the Dei-Orphouios were as evil as Thermolia did, we both stood side by side in the struggle against the Dei-O.

During that struggle the Thermolians bore the brunt of the Dei-O assualts, billions of their people died, and the RCC hosted millions of their refugees.

In time, the Dei-O empire surrendered to the RCC, integrating their people and culture into ours.

Now, with the passage of time, the government of the RCC is composed of not only members of the RCC race, but also in large numbers, Thermolians and Dei-Orpheous people.

The peoples of the RCC feel that the time has come for even greater political and cultural integration amongst these three peoples, in a further bid for peace in the galaxy. To this end, we are contemplating a merger of the RCC, in full, with the Thermolian people.

The leadership of the RCC, having raised their people out of the muck and slime of their homeworlds and shephered them to greatness and suprmeacy and enlightenment, now feel that it is time to step aside and let the inevitable historical forces of cultural inegration take the RCC and Dei-O peoples into the future.

If the races of the Galaxy feel that this would greatly upset the balance of power and present a threat to peace and stability, we *may* reconsider. But, otherwise, the current leadership of the RCC has deemed that retirement is their preferred option. Long live The RCC, Long live Thermolia, and long live the Thermolian-RCC Union!

(OOC: I am sorely in need of cutting down on my games in order to devote more time to my proposal topic. Ceding the RCC assets to Thermolia not only makes sense from a role-playing and historical perspectiove, but also from a geo-political one. if there is *serious* pushback on this, I may reconsider, but let me know ASAP...of course, I'll continue to host the game, I just won't be playing in it)


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Old July 13th, 2004, 05:36 PM
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Default Re: Space Empires 101 - Galactic Council

RCC has insulted the Cyber Collective with their unbalanced planet trade offer. We are doubly offended that this treatment would come from such a close friend that we have been so generous with and helped fight their wars.
We are still upset that RCC went back on it's word, colonized a planet in WW and then gave it to another friend.

Cyber Collective now wishes to downgrade the RCC Partner Treaty to TR.
Let us stand with true friends.
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Old July 13th, 2004, 05:38 PM

AMF AMF is offline
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Default Re: Space Empires 101 - Galactic Council

Well, we are willing to make another offer, of course. WE're reasonable. And, as we mentioned before, the colonization was a mistake on our part, due to a rogue computer controlling the colonization vessel at the time. Make us a counter-offer...?

Originally posted by Wardad:
RCC has insulted the Cyber Collective with their unbalanced planet trade offer. We are doubly offended that this treatment would come from such a close friend that we have been so generous with and helped fight their wars.
We are still upset that RCC went back on it's word, colonized a planet in WW and then gave it to another friend.

Cyber Collective now wishes to downgrade the RCC Partner Treaty to TR.
Let us stand with true friends.
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Old July 13th, 2004, 05:49 PM

AMF AMF is offline
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Default Re: Space Empires 101 - Galactic Council

OK, tell you what: tell us what you want in return, and we'll find a suitable planet that fits your criteria. We don't want Thermolia to inherit any problems or issues.


Originally posted by Wardad:
RCC has insulted the Cyber Collective with their unbalanced planet trade offer. We are doubly offended that this treatment would come from such a close friend that we have been so generous with and helped fight their wars.
We are still upset that RCC went back on it's word, colonized a planet in WW and then gave it to another friend.

Cyber Collective now wishes to downgrade the RCC Partner Treaty to TR.
Let us stand with true friends.
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Old July 13th, 2004, 06:34 PM
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Default Re: Space Empires 101 - Galactic Council

Our work in Carmonias was coordinated with King Maximal of Arteria Federation, since this system lies inside of his empire's borders. Created planets will be shared between Eysk and Arteria. I hope colony ships of Citizen Federation won't colonize the planets created by our astroengineering ships to confirm the first settled rule.

Yes, we are not going to hold the rebelled Klingon planets under our control. The only aim of the Buber operation (and others) was the minimization of collaterial damage for Klingon people. As we know Citizen Federation glassed some Klingon's planets so our approach has already justified.
I suggest Citizen Federation to stop military actions agains inhabbited planets again. Political methods will solve this problem.
In conclusion: claim you rights to an ex-Klingon planets and your request will be satisfied. For a little price, of course.

Also, I don't feel strong neccessity to maintain our presence in Woostroid. So they're open for a sale. Preferred partners are Cyber Collective and Thermolia-RCC.

And as I've said before, Marechal Brunwik, your huge fleet in Zir system, will make no difference to our decisions. Please arrange your military parade in other place. I won't allow my people to suffer from desperate war with Citizen Federation, remember this, please.
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Old July 14th, 2004, 02:04 AM
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Default Re: Space Empires 101 - Galactic Council

That is a very good offer coming form the EysK Imperial Guard. I do believe I have a few planets scattered in among his systems. This could be a good time to do a little planet swapping.

I am not Cyber HQ at the moment. I am delayed on some very long boring days of routine duty. I may not be able to update our diplomatic proposals before the coming session.
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Old July 14th, 2004, 04:30 AM

AMF AMF is offline
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Default Re: Space Empires 101 - Galactic Council

The RCC, in one of its final official acts, has gifted to the Cyber collective TWO good planets in the Mannurapha system. Combined, they provide over 35 facility slots, a shipyard, six intel centers and some other miscellaneous facilities. WE trust this will alleviate any insult our earlier trade offer caused. If not, well, we would question the Cyber's sanity since the trade is heavily weighted in their favour. As mentioned earlier, we wish to resolve all issues so as not to burden the new Thermolian regime with outstanding issues.

Originally posted by Wardad:
That is a very good offer coming form the EysK Imperial Guard. I do believe I have a few planets scattered in among his systems. This could be a good time to do a little planet swapping.

I am not Cyber HQ at the moment. I am delayed on some very long boring days of routine duty. I may not be able to update our diplomatic proposals before the coming session.
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Old July 14th, 2004, 08:15 AM

trooper trooper is offline
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Default Re: Space Empires 101 - Galactic Council

Originally posted by aiken:

And as I've said before, Marechal Brunwik, your huge fleet in Zir system, will make no difference to our decisions. Please arrange your military parade in other place. I won't allow my people to suffer from desperate war with Citizen Federation, remember this, please.
This war fleet is on its way home. It's quite slow, so you 'll have to bear its presence for one or two month in Zir.


Sky Marechal Brunwick.
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Old July 14th, 2004, 10:18 AM
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Default Re: Space Empires 101 - Galactic Council

2 Cybersol:
Please send us your trade offer next mounth. I will review it. I'd like to recieve 2 planets that are not too far from our space.

2 Sky Marechal Brunwik:

Thank you for your kind explanation. We can wait for a couple of months.
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