Re: To the artist of Dominions
is there drastically something wrong with asking for artwork from the artist of a game i like? is there something wrong with that?
How old are you?
You invade my thread, insult old are you? and i don't mean age, i am asking how old you are in practicing common decency....
What did this thread have to do with you?
What have i done to you, to incur your remarks? Why do you insist on coming onto my thread, and insulting me?
Richard, Psitticine...this is what i am talking about concerning certain individuals on these Boards...this is about the game (the artwork, the artists visual perceptions on the game), and all i did was make a simple request...and this is what i get?
[ November 05, 2003, 15:12: Message edited by: cpbeller ]
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