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Old January 15th, 2004, 08:38 AM
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Default Re: Alexander\'s ever-expanding Tome of Knowledge

This thread is the copy of the tome!

I intend to add a few stratagies to it every week. This game will be dead and forgotten before I run out of material.
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Old January 16th, 2004, 02:07 AM
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Default Re: Alexander\'s ever-expanding Tome of Knowledge


A strategy so fiendish that its use has been Banned by Carmong the Cardinal of Marignon himself, under the pain of torturous death. It is still allowed to be used the holy wars against heretic faiths of course.

Take virtue pretender. Take air magic 10. Build three*10 crossbowmen. One on fire archers and two on fire closest. Build a group of Knights of the Chalise and put them in the front on hold and attack closest. Get a Friar to bless them.

The Knights are plenty tough so why waste such a high bless effect on them? Well since they are now nigh impervious to missile fire you can fire at will right into melee with your crossbows without fear of friendly casualities. They are also shock resistant so the Virtue pretender can idly toss chained lightning about.

My opponent had his archers on rearmost, cavalery, archers and closest. Putting a single knight in the far back flank solved two of these problems and attrition on the crossbows was not very severe at all.

I devastated the AI in this way using only five knights in the front, and five*10 crossbowmen. Almost looked like musketeer based wars are not so far off in Dominions 2.

This strategy can of course be used in different variations for the two other strong missile nations Man and T'ien Ch'i. Trouble is that their holy units don't have the staying power of Knights of the Chalice for the same investment in gold.
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Old January 16th, 2004, 02:32 AM

General Tacticus General Tacticus is offline
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Default Re: Alexander\'s ever-expanding Tome of Knowledge


I often use a (weaker) Version with Ulm : find yourself a province with nice and cheap shortbows. Build as many as you can, and fill the sky with arrows, while your nice big super-heavy infantry holds the line. Arrows just bounce off your infantry, but the enemy will take quite nice casualties...
Read my Mictlan AAR :
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Old January 16th, 2004, 11:41 PM
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Default Re: Alexander\'s ever-expanding Tome of Knowledge

Regarding Phoenix Pyre abuse, this might be very cheap and nasty with Communicants considering that the Phoenix Pyre, cast by a fire/astral mage, should also affect them too. It might be cheap enough to set up some bizarre chain-reactions just for kicks...
Are we insane yet? Are we insane yet? Aiiieeeeee...
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Old January 17th, 2004, 09:33 AM

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Default Re: Alexander\'s ever-expanding Tome of Knowledge


This is the standard operating procedure for nations which have an easy access to body etheral. The aim is to toughten quite a lot some choice units with BE. You dont need awesome units, good ones are sufficient.

Have a mage on BE thrice.

I) In front of him, put 3 Groups of 2 units on hold& attack (yes in the same square, the front one, see below). During battle, they will be placed by the dom2 tac engine with one unit in the square you requested, and one in the south-west square (below the mage, if you follow me). This give you a total of 6 units in 2 squares.

II) In his square put 2 Groups of 1 unit.

Overall you have 3 squares filled, each with 3 units (8 combatting, 1 mage). The hold&attack will make your combattants move on the third round. The mage will cast BE during the first three rounds, on each of the 3 squares. He will commences on his square, has the value is the highest (thus protecting him ASAP).

This lead to 8 etheralized units attacking on round 3.
This formation can be repeated for several mages,depending on mage availability and toughness of opposition. Against indep, you can generally win a battle at 1 against 3 w/o too much problem.

A further interest is that your small Groups prevent you from a total rout. Groups will rout one by one, when some soldiers are wounded. On high end units, like paladins or knights they will rout if direly wounded, and this is what you want : each wounded retreat, thus preventing the loss of the unit.

By the way, for cavalry, adapt the formation, as they are size 3. You can BE 5 cavalry for each mage, put one horseman in each square.

Yes, it asks for some micromanaging

edit : typos.

[ January 17, 2004, 07:35: Message edited by: Pocus ]
Currently playing: Dominions III, Civilization IV, Ageod American Civil War.
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Old January 27th, 2004, 04:39 AM

void void is offline
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Default Re: Alexander\'s ever-expanding Tome of Knowledge


create GE Haunted forest first.
most ppl(93%) will not go to dispel it(view here: http://www.shrapnelgames.com/cgi-bin...=000999#000001 )

put a nature mage into combat. Nature 1 is enough,more levels more better.
give she some emerald---you can only give one.
have she cast "swarm" in the battle.
yes, a nature 1 mage + 1 emerald..what will happen?

it's not a scheme of attacking,but a good tactics for defending(only effective in your dominions).

[ January 27, 2004, 02:43: Message edited by: void ]
There are times when destiny calls forth a people and demands an action. Now is the time. We are the people. This is our action. Charge! - Sun hou-zi, Nobel of T'ien C'hi
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Old February 7th, 2004, 12:22 PM
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Default Re: Alexander\'s ever-expanding Tome of Knowledge

Originally posted by apoger:


Early research provides Quickness and Breath of Winter, which make the dragon much more formidable.

Water-9 provides the bless effect of +4 defense and "50% quickness". Not bad at all.

In the midgame the spell Grip of Winter might help deal with large forces. This is not as dangerous as the red dragon, but the reserach will be done ages earlier.
Water-9 caster also has a very nice spell that can deal massive damage versus both normal armies and big creatures and cannot be resisted. What is it? Falling Frost!

It has area = 5+ AND damage 18+. When cast by a water-9 mage, it deals damage to an area of 11 and does enough damage to kill all normal troops and severely wound all better ones. And unlike most water/fire spells, it just cannot be resisted with anything but high protection.

I mainly use it with the Jotunheim Son of Niefel, who can easily power himself up a level or two with robe of the sea and sea king's goblet. W-11 falling frost tested against heavies of ulm, nothing survived the first bLast and it has the area of 13.

Instant damage
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Old November 27th, 2004, 02:41 PM

Zooko Zooko is offline
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Default Re: Alexander\'s ever-expanding Tome of Knowledge

Regarding "we walk in shadows": I don't understand the point of putting three Groups of two units each in the square directly in front of the mage. Why not instead do the thing that you want done: a squad of two units in the same square as the mage, a squad of three units in the square in front of the mage, and a squad of three units in the square south of the mage?

Or for that matter, why not just make a squad of 8 units and put it right on top of the mage?
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Old November 28th, 2004, 07:34 AM

Wendigo Wendigo is offline
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Default Re: Alexander\'s ever-expanding Tome of Knowledge

Zooko said:
Regarding "we walk in shadows": I don't understand the point of putting three Groups of two units each in the square directly in front of the mage. Why not instead do the thing that you want done: a squad of two units in the same square as the mage, a squad of three units in the square in front of the mage, and a squad of three units in the square south of the mage?

Or for that matter, why not just make a squad of 8 units and put it right on top of the mage?

Both your suggestion & Pocus are valid, yet for different targets.

Body ethereal is area 1 (1 square), thus you can etherealize Groups of 3x size2 infantry as you suggest, or Groups of 2x size3 horse, such as knights.

A different issue is whether to group everybody together or use small Groups. Both options have advantages & disadvantages (higher morale for a big group, but also higher loses & when you fail a check everybody is gone, which might result in an army rout).
One further reason in favour of using small Groups as Pocus suggests is that you have more control over battlefield placement (which is important to get everybody etherealized), when you stick a bunch of leaders in the same place as a unit (say, 3 mages & 24 troopers) they do not always end in the exact center, and if they are not well placed some of the soldiers might be out of range. Using multiple small units increases the micromanagement exponentially however.
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