Re: Question on T\'ien
T'ien Ch'i isn't an easy one to start as a newbie. There are alot of factors to consider. Order is probably a mandate for Base T'ien Ch'i. Also Production as your mages, while diverse and decent enough, are hard to building a communion with. If you see a lizard province, take it and build a lab for cheap communion slaves in the Shaman.
Ignore any Cavalry you see except for probably the Red Guard, go straight footmen. You will have to use archers and xbows in order to create enough softening that your weaker than normal melee trooops can mop up.
Key spells to look for are Wind Guide and Flaming Arrows.
Remember that most of your units can only move 1 (including your commanders) so you have to build slow strong armies. Your mages can cast the "Acid" line of spells, so look at those. Also try to get a high Air gem income because of your summon in the Celestial Soldiers. Celestial Servants are decent as well, so look at your Earth gem income as well.