AWESOME guide !
I have still a lot of questions

For some of them, I have (more or less) educated guesses, but I'll post all of the regardless, so that this thread will hopefully contain ALL about dominion
Is there some kind of "domino" effect with temples ? ie : when you get a high dominion in a province with a temple/god/pretender and all surrounding provinces, will dominion spread in provinces 2 squares away ?
Is there a cap on how high or low a dominion can go ? If you have a (base dominion + nb of temples/5 ) > 10, it seems to me that the the additional points/temples (assuming these extra temples are not build on the dominion's frontiers, thus allowing for spread opportunities) are "wasted" ?
Alos, I am not sure how the blood sacrifices, and the Mictlan "penalty" fit in this picture.
When you perform a blood sacrifice (assuming you are not "forced" to do so to increased dominion, eg. abyssia or vanheim), how does it work ? Is it like priestly preaching (only in the province, with a cap ?), or will it "radiate" dominion like a temple or prophet ? How are the different elements (like the jade knife or whatever this magic item is called, or priest's holy level) factored in ?
With Mictlan, which of the following do not spread dominion : pretender, preaching, temples, prophet ? Only blood sacrifices will do anything ?
Also : how do dominion "killers" (like the artifact statue and the arch devils) work ? Automatic decrease, or only a weighted chance to reduce dominion ?
Thanks in advance for all answers