
February 11th, 2004, 06:45 PM
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Special Site: Conjuration (or Blood or Whatever): 40
What exactly is this number referring to? I know it is supposed to make casting spells of that type in that province (once you make a lab) "easier", but I dont know what that means.
Havent gotten 100% results yet, but I *think* it means: X% reduction in gem cost of spells of that type. Can anyone confirm?
PS. If so, I believe this is the *only* benefit whatsoever of having a person skilled in the blood path searching for magic sites (since there are no blood gems and findng a blood site usually (with the one exception of finding Blood Magic Bonus areas) causes me to exclaim something like: whoopee, thanks for nothing. Villians, I don't *want* to recruit villians darn it! And I don't *want* that extra unrest thanks very much. Want option: nuke that blood site! oh sorry.)

February 11th, 2004, 06:52 PM
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Re: Special Site: Conjuration (or Blood or Whatever): 40
Originally posted by tinkthank:
Havent gotten 100% results yet, but I *think* it means: X% reduction in gem cost of spells of that type. Can anyone confirm?
P.S. Villains can be quite good (strat move 2). And the unrest will be there before you have discovered the site.

February 11th, 2004, 06:55 PM
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Re: Special Site: Conjuration (or Blood or Whatever): 40
Originally posted by Patrik:
quote: Originally posted by tinkthank:
Havent gotten 100% results yet, but I *think* it means: X% reduction in gem cost of spells of that type. Can anyone confirm?
P.S. Villains can be quite good (strat move 2). And the unrest will be there before you have discovered the site. thanks!
PS. ok
PPS. Unrest there before: yes. It's just like: gee thanks.

February 11th, 2004, 07:04 PM
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Re: Special Site: Conjuration (or Blood or Whatever): 40
What good are Villains, besides having a 2 move (which Scouts have as well)?

February 11th, 2004, 07:07 PM
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Re: Special Site: Conjuration (or Blood or Whatever): 40
Originally posted by Patrik:
P.S. Villains can be quite good (strat move 2).
Compared to Woodsmen, Villains are terrible. And you have to blood-search just to find them! When I put out an infantry-balance mod, I'm giving them +1 attack and defense and -1 cost.

February 11th, 2004, 07:23 PM
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Re: Special Site: Conjuration (or Blood or Whatever): 40
Been wondering, how does this bonus relate to scalable spells such as globals and dispel? For example, the Cedar Pillars has Enchantment bonus, and Dispel and many globals are enchantments. Is the bonus applied just to the base cost or the whole cost?
(Sorry for the question that goes to the Category 'could check for himself in XX minutes', but I'm not into map editing and playing a single player game just to find said site and test it would take longer... ...well, gonna find out some time, don't mind unless you already know it)

February 11th, 2004, 08:51 PM
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Re: Special Site: Conjuration (or Blood or Whatever): 40
Originally posted by tinkthank:
PS. If so, I believe this is the *only* benefit whatsoever of having a person skilled in the blood path searching for magic sites (since there are no blood gems and findng a blood site usually (with the one exception of finding Blood Magic Bonus areas) causes me to exclaim something like: whoopee, thanks for nothing.
You've never found the devil's den or fiend summoning sites I take it. They both give you a free unit per turn with a blood mage to enter them.

February 11th, 2004, 08:55 PM
Re: Special Site: Conjuration (or Blood or Whatever): 40
Originally posted by atul:
Been wondering, how does this bonus relate to scalable spells such as globals and dispel? For example, the Cedar Pillars has Enchantment bonus, and Dispel and many globals are enchantments. Is the bonus applied just to the base cost or the whole cost?
Total Gem Cost.
[ February 11, 2004, 18:55: Message edited by: Zen ]

February 12th, 2004, 05:52 AM
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Re: Special Site: Conjuration (or Blood or Whatever): 40
There is a blood site that produces blood slaves too (something like damned merchant iirc)

February 12th, 2004, 06:20 AM
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Re: Special Site: Conjuration (or Blood or Whatever): 40
Does 20% off the cost of a 1-gem spell (I'm thinking combat spells here) make it free? Or doesn't the bonus apply to combat spells?
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