Yes yes, I understand why Gandalf did what he did, and I probably didn't see the Last handful of Posts, so I can't say that they weren't getting more out of hand...
Anyway, OT Boards are useless to me, I never go there, becasue 90% of the junk there is a total waste of time. I don't see what the big deal is with *one* thread getting alittle (ok alot) off topic. If all the threads were like that, problem for those new to the board, if its just one... well its just a place for people to have some fun or discuss non-Dom stuff with other Dom players. That's really what I enjoy, I don't want to wander around in some NG where every crackpot shows up and runs threads into the ground over and over (been there, done that...) I like it when its the subset of crackpots who at least share a common interest...
Oh well, enough of my thoughts on this, if another thread goes off like that I'll probably be in there going off, otherwise I'll just try to go off in an ontopic manner