I never said it was optimized, I just said that it was the current results, which is pretty nice mix of units, if not the best mix of units for the resources provided, and as far as resource cost go, I think I forgot to count spent gold against and unspent gold for... Not really the what I've been focusing on.
Also, you can increase the score by removing the salamander, but that's only because the resources the salamander use are more valuable then the salamander is, but that's just using the current "value" system, which isn't what we've agreed on using anyways.
The real point of this is the fact that this queue design will allow for all types of units that can be produced to be produced, not adding in the possiblity of using "unit population" numbers.
Not what I thought it was, had the resource score values hard coded, even though I had the values being loaded with all the other data.

Will fix and edit the results post.
Been playing around with the delay I built in, made it so it can be changed to emphasize the value, resources, gold, or holy. All this does is change how long a unit will wait to be added into the queue so that units with less of whatever the emphasized resource is will be made more often. These are the best results got by emphasizing Holy:
1 lavawarrior
2 morningstar
2 battleaxe
1 salamander
1 humanbred
Gold Remaining: 25
Resources Remaining: 2
Holy Remaining: 3
Score for units: 384
Score for Resources: -214
Total Score: 170
Also worthy of note, 7 units are produced this way, with the max units produced with "emphasizing" being 8 with a score of 156
[ March 03, 2004, 21:14: Message edited by: LaFollet ]