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Old March 8th, 2004, 06:08 PM
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Default Re: The inteface of Dom2 is great

Originally posted by tinkthank:
Don't get me wrong, I wasn't saying it was awful or anything; but I believe the original poster used the phrase "great", which is a superlative in English unless I am mistaken. It can also mean "very large", but that would be a bizarre metaphor.
...unless you have a 21" monitor.

I think the original poster was trying to make sort of a joke with his title, and to say that Dom's interface (even with its...eccentricities) is better (in terms of its functionality and learning curve) than the UIs of some games with much larger budgets.
I agree with the realistic Irishman who said he preferred to prophesy *after* the event.
-- G.K. Chesterton
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Old March 8th, 2004, 06:08 PM

condors condors is offline
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Default Re: The inteface of Dom2 is great

It took me a while to learn how to do things in dom2 but once i did the interface wasn't an issue (for me at least).
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Old March 8th, 2004, 06:41 PM
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Default Re: The inteface of Dom2 is great

"I think the original poster was trying to make sort of a joke with his title, and to say that Dom's interface (even with its...eccentricities) is better (in terms of its functionality and learning curve) than the UIs of some games with much larger budgets."


Sorry for the confusion.
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Old March 8th, 2004, 11:20 PM
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Default Re: The inteface of Dom2 is great

Originally posted by Arryn:

Civ3 had a *huge* development budget, and some of the best programmers and designers in the gaming industry, including Sid.
Not including Sid, which is a good thing. Sid had his hands in with Civ 1, all other projects have been lead by Brian Reynolds. Sid Meier himself hasn't had absolutely anything to do with the games "Civilization 2", "Alpha Centauri" and "Civilization 3", only reason they are all under his name is because it sells. Kinda makes you undrestand why Reynolds left Firaxis, looking at how easily Sid accepts all praise given to him and doesn't bother to mention that he hasn't actually DONE anything civ-related since the early 90s.

This especially true with Civ 2, that is often voted as one of the very best games there is, and all Sid had to do with it was 2-hour briefing with the actual makers of the game, Brian Reynolds, J. Briggs and Douglas Kaufman. yet he still always remebers to accept all thanks directed at him.

And no, he isn't even a master designer who invented the Civ franchise, as it orginally started out as a computer Version of the Avalon Hill board game "Advanced Civilizations". When it comes to undeserved "glory", Sid Meier is the leech of the game industry.
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Old March 9th, 2004, 02:07 AM

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Default Re: The inteface of Dom2 is great

Originally posted by PDF:
Seriously, I'm an old MoM fan (still played it Last year ...) but now I'm sure Dom2 is superior in every aspect - except maybe learning curve !
It is superior in every aspect from our point of view. But there're many casual players who prefer simpler games. In dom2 you often have to really strain your brains to get anywhere. I (and I suppose most people here) find it a big part of fun, but I can understand many others who prefer to play quicker without putting too much effort. MoM and recently Civ3 and AOW2 cater to this kind of gaming much better. Not that you don't need to think there at all, but usually after establishing basic strategy, most of gameplay is kind of mechanical, which may be good or bad depending on the player's taste.

[ March 09, 2004, 00:07: Message edited by: alexti ]
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Old March 9th, 2004, 02:49 AM
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Default The inteface of Dom2 is great

Well, actually, it's not that great. But it's after playing a game such as BattleCruiser3100 that you realize that the learning curve of Dom2 is far from being that bad. After 1 hour, I could play decently and hold my own against the ai. After 5 hours(interrupted by several crashes) of BC, I still havent figured out how to execute some simple basic tasks.
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Old March 9th, 2004, 02:58 AM
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Default Re: The inteface of Dom2 is great

I know what you mean. Before purchasing Dominions 2 I made the mistake to buy Master of Orion 3. On the other hand, had Moo3 not been what it is I wouldn't have returned it, gotten my money back and been able to afford Dom2.

Not to shabby by three part time game developers to be able to create a game that thrumphs such a heavily hyped and funded game as the sequel of Master of Orion 2.

Perhaps Dominions 3, if such a project ever take place that is, will finally knock Master of Magic of the Fantasy Wargame Throne?
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Old March 9th, 2004, 04:09 AM

djtool djtool is offline
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Default Re: The inteface of Dom2 is great

WTF ? Dom2 already knocked MoM out of the throne ! [/QB]
MoM, for its time, had better graphics and a diplomacy system (human and AI that is. And understandbly simple but again lets take into account the time it was released.)

Dom2 is wonderfully diverse but until those things are implemented at a comparable level i wouldn't put it over MoM quite yet.

that sid meier stuff re-excited me about 'Pirates of the burning sea'...i so hope its the Online equivalent of pirates. That is my all-time favorite game.

[ March 09, 2004, 02:09: Message edited by: djtool ]
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Old March 9th, 2004, 04:37 AM
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Default Re: The inteface of Dom2 is great

Originally posted by Tuna-Fish:
And no, he isn't even a master designer who invented the Civ franchise, as it orginally started out as a computer Version of the Avalon Hill board game "Advanced Civilizations". When it comes to undeserved "glory", Sid Meier is the leech of the game industry.
He might not have done that much lately, but then he is also responsible for Pirates! and Railroad Tycoon, which make him worthy of all the glory he could ever want.
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Old March 9th, 2004, 05:03 AM

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Default Re: The inteface of Dom2 is great

Originally posted by Graeme Dice:
He might not have done that much lately, but then he is also responsible for Pirates! and Railroad Tycoon, which make him worthy of all the glory he could ever want.
Ah, Pirates. One of the great, classic oldies where the magic, to this day, has still not been recaptured in anything recent. Lots of wannabe-Pirates!, but there's still only one true Pirates!.

And you gotta love the name: "Pirates!". There's just something about the names of old that are so much better, elegant, more succinct and yet more descriptive than the names of today.
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