I love this game too much. Honestly, there should be a disclaimer in the manual. "Warning: May cause loss of sleep, obsessive behavior, and megalomania." Anyways, I had two suggestions that would basically get rid of every complaint I have with this game.
1. Making Heroic bonuses more or less match what the unit was designed to do. I hate seeing one of my mages going into the Hall of Fame and gaining...Heroic Strength.

Mages should get magic related bonuses, melee commanders bonuses to strength, toughness, hit points, or whatever. I know not every commander has an easy to define role, but still, it would be nice to see.
2. Being able to give a magic user a set 'behavior.' Rather than casting a hodge-podge of whatever they feel like casting (or whatever's scripted), they would cast spells based on what behavior they had set. I can think of four off the top of my head. Summoner mode: casting battlefield summons and spells that change the field, like Storms and the like. Evoker mode: casts nothing but direct damage spells along the lines of Fireball, Nether darts, Orb Lightning, etc. Enchanter mode: focus on buffing your units with exra Protection, Luck, Precision, or whatever. And finally, Dispel mode: opposite of Enchanter; tries to weaken the opposition.
Thoughts? Comments? All forms of criticism are welcome. In short; Flame on!