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Old April 5th, 2004, 05:39 PM
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Default Very Relaxed, perhaps unorthodox PBEM game starting here

I thought I would give a PBEM host a try. This would be my first time doing this.

I would like to start a game which will be explicitly slow and relaxed; since I have both a family to tend to and a job which requires that I travel and be away from the computer every now and then, this will be a game with 5 turns in the week at most.
I will *never* host a turn unless all members contribute; we will go at the pace of the slowest and avoid stale turns at all costs. (It would be nice, however, if anyone drops out to let us know and just go AI.) So this is something for patient people.

A smallish number of people (2-6) with similar time constraints is also welcome.

I would like to play the maps Reemergence of Urgaia, Karan, Zen's Europe, or Orania, depending on the number of people joining.

If possible, we could try something unorthodox, such as: Victory by Dominion, but we don't have to. Otherwise would be keen on all normal settings, Independents to 5 (and renaming).

I would also like to play with Wauthan's Sacred Salamander mod, but if anyone else wants otherwise, also fine.

Other suggestions? Should anyone be interested in playing, feel free to post here or PM me.

Thanks much in advance.
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Old April 5th, 2004, 05:46 PM

Duncanish Duncanish is offline
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Default Re: Very Relaxed, perhaps unorthodox PBEM game starting here

I'm interested. Don't really have the time constraint, but it will be my very first MP game, so the idea of a more patient and relaxed game sounds good.

Uhh, if we're going to use the sacred Salamander mod, I'm going to need to know where to get it. ^^;

[ April 05, 2004, 16:57: Message edited by: Duncanish ]
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Old April 5th, 2004, 05:51 PM
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Default Re: Very Relaxed, perhaps unorthodox PBEM game starting here

I'm always up for a game.

I haven't checked out the mod, but I'll go ahead and do so.

Zen's Europe -might- be a bit large for a 2-6 person game, particularly with such a slow pace. It could be weeks or months before we ever encountered one another in a significant fashion. I'm all for Reemergence. I've played it a lot SP and it has a good feel for that size.
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Old April 5th, 2004, 06:14 PM

guybrush threepwood guybrush threepwood is offline
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Default Re: Very Relaxed, perhaps unorthodox PBEM game starting here

Count me in!

Still somewhat new to the game, so a relaxed pace and a friendly atmosphere sounds nice
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Old April 5th, 2004, 07:54 PM
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Default Re: Very Relaxed, perhaps unorthodox PBEM game starting here

Count me in as well. 5 turns a week sounds like more or less normal PBEM rate...

(I'd play Man, if nobody's opposed to it)

As a map, if we are on the high end of the spectrum, I'd also suggest Parganos, the new map on the Illwinter site. It looks very nice... (I haven't played a game on it yet, but I like the look of it)
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Old April 5th, 2004, 10:56 PM
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Default Re: Very Relaxed, perhaps unorthodox PBEM game starting here

I would like to play, but I've only played the single player game so far, so I don't really know how multiplayer works with this game.
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Old April 6th, 2004, 12:11 AM

EternalSpearman EternalSpearman is offline
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Default Re: Very Relaxed, perhaps unorthodox PBEM game starting here

I'd would like to join. I've played single player, and a bit of multiplayer.

Anyway, I think Reemergence of Urgaia is a good choice for a 3-6 player game. If there are no objections, I'd like to play Arcoscephale.

I'm not all that experienced, so a relaxed pace game sounds good.

By the way, my email address is eternalspearman@excite.com.

[ April 05, 2004, 23:21: Message edited by: EternalSpearman ]
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Old April 6th, 2004, 01:53 AM

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Default Re: Very Relaxed, perhaps unorthodox PBEM game starting here

I'd be interested in a nice calm game, I'd like to try out an aquatic nation if no one minds, otherwise I'd like to give Jotun a run.

As to map and settings, whatever the consensus is I'll be happy with. Victory conditions as well, though I'm a bit leary of finding conditions that are too easy to meet, it distracts from the kind of game I think you are shooting for.
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Old April 6th, 2004, 03:54 AM

mlepinski mlepinski is offline
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Default Re: Very Relaxed, perhaps unorthodox PBEM game starting here

I'm interested, but it looks like you already have 6 people (or seven?). I've never played multiplayer but this type of pace seems very nice for a first multiplayer experience.

If you guys want to limit it to six, I'm sure there will be other oppertunities for me. (Based on the response to this thread it seems like this type of game is appealing to a fair number of people).

- Matt Lepinski :->
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Old April 6th, 2004, 08:55 AM
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Default Re: Very Relaxed, perhaps unorthodox PBEM game starting here

Hello, and thank you for the replies.

OK so far it appears as if there are 9 people interested, which is also very nice. I don't want to exclude anyone, so I am not feeling like saying it must be a small 3-6 group if more are interested.
I think this will be too large for R-o-Urgaia.
I would sort of like to try this out on a map that I have played or seen at least once, Phil, at least to make sure there are no errors in the map. I found a few in "Cradle", the other map JL created; nothing really serious, but it did take some time. I corrected them, by the way, and we could try that; it would also be very suitable for a water nation. I could try to check it out in the next few days.
Sacred Salamanders just makes them more expensive but sacred; I can send that out to all the players should we want it. If anyone else would rather play Abysia, however, that's also fine (with or without mod).
I have actually never tried a game with victory by Dominion, so if others say this is too easy to attain, I will make it either Victory by 70%ish of provinces or by VPs. Please let me know your thoughts on this.

So it seems we have so far:

- me: Abysia (or something else if necessary)
- mlepenski: ???
- licker: Ryleh/Atlantis/Jotun
- EternalSpear: Arco
- StabWest: ???
- PhilD: Man
- Guybrush: ???
- MiguelD: ???
- Duncanish: ???

I will leave this thread up a day or so to see if anyone wants to join or drop out.
Note that an explicitly slow game which is also a bit larger will be very slow, since we go at the pace of the slowest; I'd sort of like to set the limit to 10 if we could. (I had never figured so many would respond.)
So depending on who and when replies, we could try to figure a start either Wednesday GMT or a day or two later.
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