I've been playing Ermor a little and, apart from the never-enought death gems question (unless you cast well of misfortune, ok, but it takes long), i've a question about items: what items do you usually use? i've not seen lots of death items, and with the need for enchantment and conjuration magical trees, it seems to me that investing research points on construction it's not very useful.
On the other side, i'm wondering if items could serve to give me all those gems that i'm missing, or, even if needed, upgrading magic paths...but as behemot requires 4D and with dusk elder (3D 1?) you usually find 1 or 2 4D (apart from aspirant), and you don't have so much death gems in pool...
Well, please, if you know if making items (and what items) is useful for Ermor (talking in a MP perspective...on SP ,u can do what u want)...answer here
Thanks a lot!
PD: by the way, what IIRC means?