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View Poll Results: George W. Bush
George W. Bush 27 100.00%
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Old September 6th, 2004, 07:44 AM

Kyro_Hawk Kyro_Hawk is offline
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Default Re: 2004 Presidential Election.

"I am gods sock puppet, he has his hand so far up arse that his words are all that pop out." - Mr. Smith - Jeremiah

I say we all forum our own political group and go nominate one of our people in 2008. Oh wait; by posting this, I just marked myself as a terrorist.

Why is it that is in a free nation, when any one speaks of forming a new political group, they are denounced as a lunatic fringe and subjected to FBI surveillance, harassment, and even for some, imprisonment?

WE ARE NOT A NATION OF FREEDOM, we are a captive nation under the control of large corporations who will never share the power with any one not on their pay roll.

Mark me a crackpot, but follow the money. Where does it lead? Why would any one want to become President of the USA? Power and money.

He who has the gold makes the rules. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. These statements have been proven time and again to be true. And those, like me, who ask the questions or make the statement, are often branded as crackpots or conspiracy theorist in order to devalidate what we say.

People are sheep and the will believe anything they are told so long as believing it ensures that their way of life will not be effected. One step at a time, one right, one freedom, and eventually we will have nothing left and then all those who turn a blind eye will scream "why did you let it happen?" They will accept no responsibility for it, and they will, as they have been trained to do by television, and programming from birth, blame everyone else for the problems they now face.

Kerry is as honest as Bush and I would not wish to vote for either of them. But given Kerry's propensity to take, I think the safest bet is to vote for the arsehole.

Make no mistake, in twenty to forty years things around the world are going to get a lot worse as our planets oil reserves run dry and our resources dwindle. It is already happening, and instead of concentrating on protecting what we have or looking to new sources, we fight over whets left.

There is a reason we do not want the sand jockeys having WMD's. With WMD's they can protect their oil, without them, the rest of the world can take it.

This war was not about terrorism; it was about oil and only oil. The rest was, and is BS. And no matter who is in office, the objective will always be about oil. Oil is money, and money is power, and power rules the world.

Call me a loon, but remember, in order to hear, you must listen, and those who seldom listen never hear.
"When someone tells me to 'go to hell,' I respond; "Only weaklings go home cry'in to momma."
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Old September 6th, 2004, 11:47 AM

tesco samoa tesco samoa is offline
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Default Re: 2004 Presidential Election.

Well one things you USA people will not have to worry about.

WHo ever is voted in will be hated around the world. Just as bush was, just as clinton was and just as much as the ones before clinton as well.

I do not understand why people think that voting bush out of office will go back to some acid coded vision that the world will love USA again. When it never did.

Remeber who you vote for. Govn't wins. Which also happens to be some old school rich white guy.

To me your 2 big parties are one and the same.
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Hey GUTB where did you go...???

He is still driving his mighty armada at 3 miles per month along the interstellar highway bypass and will be arriving shortly
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Old September 6th, 2004, 05:19 PM
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Default Re: 2004 Presidential Election.

Gandalf Parker said:
Renegade 13 said:
A few points: The terrorist attacks of Sept. 11/01 had exactly the effect they wanted them to have. Think about it; most people were saying they'd failed due to the relatively low death toll, compared to what it could be. However, look at the amount of money the US has recently spent on the "war against terrorism". Hundreds of billions!! I think your deficit for this year is something like half a TRILLION!!
If I remember correctly thats not much compared to what it was when the republicans were Last in office.

And when someone says that 9-11 had a horrible impact on our economy Im not sure if the cost of the reaction is quite the same as the impact on our economy. Is the impact what the terrorists did? Or what Bush did?
It's pretty clear that it's what Bush did. Same answer with our civil rights. They were thrown away, along with our money, by our own government, to increase its own power and wealth, and that of its political allies.

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Old September 6th, 2004, 06:00 PM
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Default Re: 2004 Presidential Election.

Kyro_Hawk said:
I say we all forum our own political group and go nominate one of our people in 2008. Oh wait; by posting this, I just marked myself as a terrorist.

Why is it that is in a free nation, when any one speaks of forming a new political group, they are denounced as a lunatic fringe and subjected to FBI surveillance, harassment, and even for some, imprisonment?

Actually there are many parties and more forming all the time. http://www.politics1.com/parties.htm
In fact if we had only two parties running this time then I wouldnt be so worried about the outcome.

Kerry is as honest as Bush and I would not wish to vote for either of them. But given Kerry's propensity to take, I think the safest bet is to vote for the arsehole.
Considering Bushes tendency to send, I dont think that "safest" is the word I would use there. The most personally profitable maybe, but not safest.

I want to create a new party. Its called the seesaw party. We consider both major parties to be dangerous if left in office too long so we vote back and forth with each election so they will balance each other out.
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Old September 6th, 2004, 08:49 PM

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Default Re: 2004 Presidential Election.

tesco samoa said:
Well one things you USA people will not have to worry about.

WHo ever is voted in will be hated around the world. Just as bush was, just as clinton was and just as much as the ones before clinton as well.
Um, I dont know if you know but Clinton was loved by a bunch of countries includeing UK (granted they follow us no matter what) alot of african nations, hell even the Russian President Yelson liked Clinton. As for Govener Bushey the reason everyone hates him is because he is trying to inforce a radical right wing agenda

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Old September 6th, 2004, 11:50 PM

Kyro_Hawk Kyro_Hawk is offline
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Default Re: 2004 Presidential Election.

What specifically did the Bush do to our economy? I want specifics, not hearsay or IMHO's. Prove to me that the BUSH hurt our economy as bad as the Clinton did.

And this ploy where Kerry's wife IS NOW SICK like CLINTON is just sickening!!!! Oh My God how dumb do they think we are. They are playing for the sympathy vote.. WHAT CRAB APPLE BULLSH*T IS THIS?

OH sure Clinton might be ill, but the timing of his, and then Kerry's wife's illness are more the coincidental. Its all part of the Democratic plan to win the sympathy vote.

What next, the BUSH's dog will get sick and one of his daughter will have to have an emergancy arm transplanet or something.
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Old September 7th, 2004, 12:15 AM

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Default Re: 2004 Presidential Election.

You want specfic thing that Govener Bushey did, Here You Go. Bushey spent the 5.6 TRILLION, that Clinton had gained for the goverment in his years, also it should be mentioned that when clinton took office we had a deficet from the reganomics and bush senior continueing that policy. How did Bushey Jr. do this, he gave tax cuts and tax refunds to the top twenty percent of americans who dont even need it. This is besides the money that is still being wasted on the war. Next what did he do, he spent the Last 2.5 trillion which was set aside by clinton to pay for Social Sequrity, and what was it spent on you ask another round of tax cuts in 2003 and who did they beneifit, who else but not the top 20% but the TOP ONE PERCENT of americans. Also he helped create tax shelters (place to hide tax money) for huge mega cooperations most of these tax shelter in the cariebean. and how does this ruin the economy, when mega coorperations are doing well they tend to down size to get more money and in turn buy out other small buissnesses. SO THIS IS HOW HE DID
Also it should be mentioned that all of his tax cuts are 3 times as much as the war
Also he repealed in his first round of tax cuts the Estate Tax, which is a tax on the inheritence of people and basically only effects the top 1% of uber rich people which introtuces alot of currency to the goverment (this is also called the Death Tax by repulicans and the Paris Hilton Tax
---And this is why we need to get rid of the nut case

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Old September 9th, 2004, 11:17 PM
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Default Re: 2004 Presidential Election.

Kyro_Hawk said:
What specifically did the Bush do to our economy? I want specifics, not hearsay or IMHO's. Prove to me that the BUSH hurt our economy as bad as the Clinton did.

And this ploy where Kerry's wife IS NOW SICK like CLINTON is just sickening!!!! Oh My God how dumb do they think we are. They are playing for the sympathy vote.. WHAT CRAB APPLE BULLSH*T IS THIS?

OH sure Clinton might be ill, but the timing of his, and then Kerry's wife's illness are more the coincidental. Its all part of the Democratic plan to win the sympathy vote.

What next, the BUSH's dog will get sick and one of his daughter will have to have an emergancy arm transplanet or something.
Teresa Kerry is not sick like Bill Clinton. Teresa Kerry was taken to Mercy Medical Center-North Iowa after complaining of an upset stomach. She got tested & looked over, and was released. She's fine, and likely was suffering from a lack of sleep (and stress) following a 4 city jaunt in 2 days.

Bill Clinton, on the other hand, has undergone a heart bypass operation to clear arterial blockage.

Grab yourself a warm cup of hot chocolate and chill before you end up in an an emergency room with an upset tummy yourself.

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Old September 10th, 2004, 07:30 PM
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Default Re: 2004 Presidential Election.

As a paramedic I can tell you that an upset stomach can be easily taken for a heart attack. To really exclude a heart attack you have to go to a hospital and take a special "advanced" EKG and take blood samples. There is nothing unusual about this procedure, in fact it is standard procedure from a medical point of view.
For, in the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children's futures. And we are all mortal. - JFK
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Old September 11th, 2004, 12:09 AM
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Default Re: 2004 Presidential Election.

Mephisto said:
As a paramedic I can tell you that an upset stomach can be easily taken for a heart attack. To really exclude a heart attack you have to go to a hospital and take a special "advanced" EKG and take blood samples. There is nothing unusual about this procedure, in fact it is standard procedure from a medical point of view.
I've had a couple of anxiety attacks, and if you're not used to them, it feels like a stroke or heart attack (to someone who's never felt what a real stroke or heart attack feels like). Whatever Teresa was feeling, I can empathise with her 100%.
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