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Old September 24th, 2004, 05:56 AM
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Default Re: OT: Movies I Have Seen Lately


I think it is illegal to sell DVDs in the "wrong" reason... or if not illegal, then very highly discouraged.

Maybe in the states, but not over here. That is a serious case of corporations writing the laws if that's true- I mean why should that be a crime?

I've yet to use a out-region DVD myself, but my brother has a friend in Australia who frequently sends him wierd stuff. Has anyone here ever seen "Strangers with Candy"? Wierd wierd wierd funny wierd wierd.
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Old September 24th, 2004, 10:29 AM
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Default Re: OT: Movies I Have Seen Lately

Well, I got a dvd-rom on my pc. I'll have to check out that thread you mentioned, Fyron. But I still have no idea where to get the discs. Probably do a Google search one of these days.
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Old September 28th, 2004, 10:04 PM
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Default Re: OT: Movies I Have Seen Lately

I saw Vampire Effect.

A silly and kind of stupid movie, but funny. It's like a Chinese Version of Blade, but the vampire hunters are a couple of pretty but rather immature Chinese girls who fight using their kung fu. Jackie Chan makes a small appearance and there is a silly fight scene between him and a vampire.
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Old September 29th, 2004, 02:37 PM
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Default Re: OT: Movies I Have Seen Lately

gregebowman said:
Well, I got a dvd-rom on my pc. I'll have to check out that thread you mentioned, Fyron. But I still have no idea where to get the discs. Probably do a Google search one of these days.
Hey, give a warning next time. I went to that thread, and those pictures would definitely have gotten me into some sort of trouble if someone had seen me looking at them (either at work or at home. I can image the wife's reaction to the "man-eater" picture).

Just picked up The Alamo today. I didn't get the chance to see it when it came out. I know it bombed at the box-office, but I hope it's still pretty good.

Speaking of Jackie Chan, I read or saw on tv something about how he wants to be taken as a serious actor now, and is giving up on the types of roles that have made him famous. We'll see how long that Lasts. I know he's 50+, and his body may not be able to take all of the punishment it has in the past, but I don't think the world is ready for a serious, dramatic Jackie Chan.
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Old September 29th, 2004, 11:00 PM
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Default Re: OT: Movies I Have Seen Lately

I saw Fist of the Red Dragon

The story is set in China during the Opium War. The bad guys are smuggling opium into China and there's a big problem with people getting addicted. The hero, Donnie Yen, beats up the bad guys with his kung fu. Some very good fight scenes, choreographed by Yuen Woo Ping who did the Matrix , Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Kill Bill, etc. There some boring parts which are supposed to be funny but aren't. The fight scenes are great though, just ignore the rest of the story. This movie is similar to Iron Monkey, with the same guy and the same sort of fighting, but not quite at the same level.
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Old September 30th, 2004, 03:22 AM
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Default Re: OT: Movies You Have Seen Lately

Movies I've seen in theatres recently (we have a few interesting theatres in Seattle, and of course a bunch of crappy chain ones, like just about everywhere else):

The French Connection I was already having a hard time finding anything to like about most films. This film was so well done, it has made that even worse. So many films just stink in comparison, especially from a believability standpoint. So much fake unbelievable uninteresting nonsense for stupid people in most films.

The Warriors Heh. This was shown right after The French Connection, and well, I was tempted partly due to it having been mentioned here on the forums. Pretty funny! Pretty weird. Really 70's. Rather unbelievable, but gee... I think despite it being utterly laughable in many many ways, in some limited but worthwhile ways it was actually better than some recent high-budget drivel like Terminator 3 or the recent Star Wars fiascos. Ah well. Yet more reinforcement for my disdain of ... well some might say modern Hollywood style, but I think it's more like modern Hollywood dreck.

Hero A very good film, especially visually.

Alien versus Predator OMG what crap!

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Old October 4th, 2004, 06:45 PM
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Default Re: OT: Movies You Have Seen Lately

Went and saw Ladder 49 Friday night. It is a darn good movie. I liked it better than Backdraft, which was basically a murder mystery with firemen. Ladder 49 uses flashbacks to tell the story of Joaquin Pheonix's character over the past 10 years (ok, I know his real name is Leaf, but couldn't he have found a better first name to use besides Joaquin?). John Travolta has a much better role to act in, compared to what he did in Punisher. A great movie. I highly recommend it. I think Phoenix should be an Oscar nomination, but we'll see. There's still 2 more months of movies to go.
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Old October 5th, 2004, 12:00 AM
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Default Re: OT: Movies I Have Seen Lately

This week I had a great time seeing two documentaries. The first was "Spellbound". This film follows several kids in their quest to win the nation spelling bee. Having a great interest in words and documentaries, this film was right up my ally. It is a very enjoyable movie. Just to see some parents say that knowing 4,000 words is not enough is funny. I would give it four of of five stars.

The next movie was "Super Size Me".
This guy must have something against fast food is all I have to say. Another interesting film. It really does make you think again about eating fast food. Three of five stars. Simply an okay movie. Nothing more.
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Old October 5th, 2004, 01:16 AM
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Default Re: OT: Movies I Have Seen Lately

I saw Bourne Supremacy

It was pretty good. Matt Damon does a great job playing Jason Bourne... His secret agent character is very impressive: he is very highly skilled and his every action is so perfect and efficient, and he knows exactly what to do at every moment - he's like a machine. He's obviously good at hand-to-hand combat but it was hard to see what's going on in the fight scenes, it was too fast and close-up. Anyway, not a bad movie.
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Old October 5th, 2004, 07:11 AM
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Default Re: OT: Movies I Have Seen Lately

Any one seen Sky Captain? From what I have seen, great looking movie, bad story.
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