johan osterman said:
Battles won't be resolved in realtime, and frankly I don't see why that would be an improvement.
Ah, an anti-RTS snob

I would suggest since you only have scripted control of the battle, real-time resolution would certainly be much better.
Let me give you some examples:
1) battles resolve faster becuase missile/spells go off as they occur (possibly simultaneously, and in conjunction with movement)
2) no more instantaneous flying to any part of the battelfield
3) no more "optimal placement" problem where you can rob charging units of the charge bonus by timing it so your units get the first attack.
4) less weirdnesses due to turn breaks and more precision... instead of quickness giving you two attacks on your turn, it would allow you to attack twice as quickly (for example), which I think you'll agree is a little more accurate.
5) it would LOOK better, although I agree this is below a tertiary consideration
Remember the absolutely classic game Centurion in the earlier days of PC gaming? Scripted real-time with some very limited direct control... it was beautiful.
Or the one really high point of Paradox's Legion: the scripted real-time battles. Albeit, could have been done better, but it was an excellent start.
If you really hate real time

How about this instead: Break turns into impulses, ala star fleet battles. That would certainly be an improvement.
I might point out that the battle is already resolved in "real-time" for the viewer i.e. the battles run without breaks, you need to pause to gather information, so there would be no impact in terms of additional "business" for the viewer.