I have also been considering a mod improving Ulm. Maybe we all should think what they need.
Arralen added:
-Full(?) random to Master Smiths
-Even better protection for all units
-Faster armies
other ideas:
-Magic resistance
-Administration/supply bonus (but Ulm already has +50 res. points in its forts!)
my ideas:
-Making their general commanders better:
*slightly cheaper one with ldr 25 but very good battle stats, equipment and/or lower encumberance,
*Black Knight commanders made better at battle
*commander with general bonus(es) like supply bonus, Skeptic ability of lowering dominion (without stealth!

), maybe Standard, maybe high prec., strength and good ranged weapon...
*commander able to levy troops (think Wolfherd): maybe Light Infantry with prot 7, att 10, def 12 with spear + shield) (not moddable IIRC)
* one commander with ldr 75
*(Iron Faith) Black Acolyte replaced with Black Paladin, who is Black Templar commander. It should be Holy 2 with Inquisitor-ability.
For Iron Faith:
-Black Priest should have E1F1?
-Black Priests made immune to drain like Master Smiths.
both two would be too much IMO
-Both Black Templars and Black Paladins should have increased magic resistance
-For Black Forest: change their starting scout to Vampire Count so that they have natural way of summoning them, given enough time to empower/make boosters.
I have tried making Black Paladin, but trying to use screen captures from DomII is quite hard. I can take the screen capture, remove black(0,0,0) background and add shadow, but I can't resize the picture correctly...