Re: Replacement Needed: Proportions Game No. 3
Thanks for joining, boran_blok!
I just accepted you to join.
For you and as a reminder to everyone else, this map was custom-engineered by me to give everyone a pretty equal starting position, with equal access to colonizable planets at about the same distances and with about the same potential. Players wanted to start out jammed close together so there would be interaction right away. I did this by starting with a random system and then manipulating it. I also added a bunch of unusual interesting stuff. Most of the systems are actually inaccessible without warp manipulation, which takes quite a while to develop in Proportions 3.x, so trying to break into inaccessible systems may not be at all practical. And ya, there are some other goofy paths to make some potential for exploration far away from the action, though again it might not be practical to focus too much there.