Re: PBEM game: Entwined Destiny
"Dear Yvelina,
We have received your inquiry regarding the services we provide to all distinguished players, and thank you for the confidence you are expressing towards our Committee. One of our products would be remarkably well suited to your needs: it would consist of advising all the other players about the weakness of your nation, for few would dare question the word of an host.
For example, the following message could be sent late in the game: 'Arcoscephale is a most friendly realm, dedicated solely to the pursuit of knowledge. Old hegemonic pretensions have been discarded with the coming of a new age, and the only lands in their possession are sites of great archeological interest. Their army is a mere militia, and their best mage is barely able to light up a fire on a sunny day. All in all, a most pleasant realm to live in, so long as you are not interest in reckless expansionism, and willing to give a helping hand to repel those invaders: chances are, you will be the best fighter protecting the city.' (First published in the Hitchhiker's Guide.)
Of course, there is the small matter of fees and similar petty squabbling, but we are confident you will find our service to be admirable. You should also expect us not to abuse our position of de facto monopoly; fairness is, after all, a hallmark of us.
Yours sincerly,
The Committee of Opportunist Hosts."
Silliness aside, everything seems to be working fine. Good luck to all the teams!