Re: hello and help
MOO2 doesn't work well in W2K. I get crashes on the desktop when I play further and game grows. At early game there is no problems. W98 and W95 it works perfectly.
If you still want to play it on W2K, make sure, that end of every turn you browse through your production list (start this at around after turn 150 or first crash) and be sure the there is no queue going empty next turn. It often crashes just after turn execution when your "empty production list" colonies are thrown in front of you before you start playing turn. Avoid this.
Also, if your game crahses so that you can't see anything, or mouse doesn't work, your keyboard still works. Just hit esc until you are on main screen, then push G to go to game menu, push S to go to save, hit Enter to save, hit esc to go back on game menu and hit Q to quit and then Enter to confirm. THat way you can save your game even when your mouse doesn't work. Also keep autosave on all the time.
MOO2 was one of the greatest strategy games I have ever played. Unfortunately it is not (very) moddable (I haven't vehcked those links mentioned in this thread) but still it's THE GAME.
If you give a man a fish, he will eat a day;
But if you teach a man to fish, he will buy an ugly hat;
And if you talk about a fish to a starving man, then you're a consultant