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Old February 24th, 2005, 02:33 PM
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Default Re: A New Mod: Oglala Sioux

Kristoffer O said:

I took a quick look today. Seems fun. On the balance side I'm not sure yet. You have lots of cheap light cavalry. This is a bit hard for me to evaluate as light cav is overpriced (balance-wise) in the first place.

My main concern was the Crazy Horse Riders. Ethereal, stealthy aweful and sacred makes them my primary pick. But on the other hand they are almost without armor and capital only. So it's probably OK. (Edit: I should look at vanir instead)

Mages seems OK at a first glance. No glaring imbalancies.

Haven't used the summons yet, just summoned one each.

Hey thanks very much.

- No one buys light cav. I wanted to make a nation which relies on them. They are cheap because horses are cheap and because I want to encourage purchasing national troops instead of summons. If there is a consensus, I will be happy to increase costs of all troops across the board. But...
- They die fast to anything with a bow and some armor. I am afraid of making them too expensive because then no-one will buy national troops.
- Yes, the crazy-horse rider is a fine unit. Compared to the D. Sidhe, however, he is pretty weak (and he costs twice as much); compared to the Van, he is pretty weak
(and is capital-only); compared to a bunch of units, he is still pretty weak, simply because he goes down fast if hit. Without awe and etherealness, he is a sitting duck which no-one would purchase for 70 gold. In the context of Oglala, they are obviously still the best units, but pricey -- I rarely had much money left over for them. I tried to make it a toss-up as to which units to buy -- I end up getting a mix of a lot, although I rely on Hunters and Raiders the most. May have to make them more expensive.
- My primary concern is the summons. They may be a bit too butch. But since I play mostly on magic-poor worlds (<40) and because I need a lot of gems for forging (20% more), I find it ok so far, but still am unsure.

Thank you for the feedback so far, and of course am keen for more!

Any chance of you adding it to the mods available on your site?
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Old February 24th, 2005, 03:40 PM
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Default Re: A New Mod: Oglala Sioux

I can add it this weekend.
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Old February 24th, 2005, 04:24 PM

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Default Re: A New Mod: Oglala Sioux

I am in love with this mod. I have not had a chance to try it out, but I am about to play a one on one against the Forestfull O'Elves mod.

As I said, I have not tested it, but I believe it may be overpowered. Nothing I can point a finger to, just a vibe I am getting.

By the way, are you planning to change the pictures for the shamen? Something with more feathers and less pyjamas?
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Old February 24th, 2005, 05:11 PM
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Default Re: A New Mod: Oglala Sioux

Unfortunately there aren't many suitable graphics in the game. Maybe some recolored machakans, but that is hard as neither he or I have any artistic skills...
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Old February 24th, 2005, 07:07 PM
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Default Re: A New Mod: Oglala Sioux

Yvelina said:
I am in love with this mod. I have not had a chance to try it out, but I am about to play a one on one against the Forestfull O'Elves mod.

As I said, I have not tested it, but I believe it may be overpowered. Nothing I can point a finger to, just a vibe I am getting.

By the way, are you planning to change the pictures for the shamen? Something with more feathers and less pyjamas?
I am not feeling the overpoweredness yet; the units look good, but it will take skill with a stealth nation to play them well -- they die to anything very quickly. I have to play them veeery differently to be competetive, like reyling on preaching and hit-n-run. Like I say, my worries are the summons being to powerful. As soon as your opponents get decent blood or death summons, however, you need to do some fancy footwork.
I would love to do more feathers and less pyjamas, but alas, I am a ninny with the pixelbrush. As I have written in the readme (PLEASE read it!), I am accepting graphical donations!
THanks for your feedback, looking forward to your testing results.
I think they should get their butt whipped by Forest of Loren. I bet a case of beer.
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Old February 25th, 2005, 02:34 PM
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Default Re: A New Mod: Oglala Sioux

Very intriguing.

I'd worry about a charge of Black Templars, but summons might help hold them off; there's enough magic for some low-level summons in addition to the nationals. The sacred Crazy Horse Riders seem very interesting with a heavy air blessing to help them win archery duels, and are mobile enough that bringing them to the front shouldn't take too long. Hm.

Random thought: if you want to -force- the Crazy Horse-riding commanders to not wear armor (as the description suggests they won't) you could take away the body slot. That'd affect balance, of course.

Random note: One of the heroes (the CHR hero) still has a T'ien Chi name, at least in the version attached to the first post in this thread.
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Old February 25th, 2005, 07:44 PM
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Default Re: A New Mod: Oglala Sioux

Nice mod also Tinktank . Some very interesting ideas and your readme seems also like a lot of work .
Maybe I even learn a bit about indian history . I have to admit that i don't know much about it , only a bit from playing EU 2 .
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Old February 26th, 2005, 09:48 AM
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Default Re: A New Mod: Oglala Sioux

Taqwus said:
I'd worry about a charge of Black Templars, but summons might help hold them off; there's enough magic for some low-level summons in addition to the nationals. The sacred Crazy Horse Riders seem very interesting with a heavy air blessing to help them win archery duels, and are mobile enough that bringing them to the front shouldn't take too long. Hm.

Random thought: if you want to -force- the Crazy Horse-riding commanders to not wear armor (as the description suggests they won't) you could take away the body slot. That'd affect balance, of course.

Hey thanks for the feedback.

1. Templars are overkill. Any Ulmish Black Plate makes mincemeat of the naked horsies. Ulm is my enemy.
2. Interesting idea.... I'll consider it, thanks!

Taqwus said:

Random note: One of the heroes (the CHR hero) still has a T'ien Chi name, at least in the version attached to the first post in this thread.
Good point! Changed.... Will update when I can... thanks!

Boron said:

Nice mod also Tinktank . Some very interesting ideas and your readme seems also like a lot of work .

Thanks! Yeah, it was a lot of work -- hope you enjoy!
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Old February 27th, 2005, 09:06 AM
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Default Re: A New Mod: Oglala Sioux

OK I hope to bring out a version 1.01 in a few days with some minor nerfings to a few units and 1 bugfix (TC name still in on one unit -- thanks Taqwus!).

One question: I want to do that suggestion you made, Taqwus, and remove the body slot from the Holy Chieftan. (Considered long and hard on that, since Black Elk makes specific reference to "Ghost Shirts" that he manufactured (about 3 dozen in all) for his own use as well as for distributing to friends, painted with holy paint and designed from a later minor vision -- but I think that these could be considered Shrouds of the Saint, or maybe even Shadow Robes, and Holy Chieftans dont need either of these, so I think you are right.)

But how do I do that? (How can I remove a body slot from them?)
Thank you.
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Old February 27th, 2005, 09:17 AM
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Default Re: A New Mod: Oglala Sioux

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