Re: AI and surrendering
Like I say, the whole point of a surrender is to stop an attack. If my enemy surrenders to another one of my enemies, am I going to stop attacking them? Do those border colonies suddenly become less vulnerable? Not really. The war continues as if nothing had happened - the flags change, that's all.
If you're going to make the AI surrender to its allies rather than its conqueror you may as well do away with multiple enemy empires altogether: Just have human player(s) vs one huge AI empire - as each empire comes close to collapse, it surrenders to the largest AI empire (which becomes larger... domino surrenders anyone?) and you quickly end up with a single AI mega-empire.
Having worked hard to batter my enemy into submission I would like to be able to force him to surrender to me. I don't want to destroy him utterly, I want his population, planets and tech. If he wants protection from another empire then the game has scope for that, with it's complex protectorate, subjugation and request help features. The time would be better spent getting the AI to use them rather than just surrendering to some undeserving ally at random.
"Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?"
"I think so Brain but, if you replace the P with an O, my name would be Oinky, wouldn't it?"
[This message has been edited by dogscoff (edited 07 August 2001).]