Said two beta testers, who have actually had the opportunity to try out the new realtime combat system. Does that do anything to settle your concerns, klausD?
No, sorry to say that it does not settle my concerns. For example Captain Kwok writes that it is possible to pause the game every x seconds. Well this means that I have to press the pause button myself. This is not a good message. Because if I dont press it (because I am too slow or the cat jumps on the desk or I simple dont like to press it...) I will loose. So I am forced to press in the right moment and not before or thereafter. And voila the clickfest begins.
And the remark that you can just control a single ship. Well this gives me the rest. WHAT is Space Empires? Its a galactic strategy game! Its not Elite. Controlling a single ship with your heroes have nothing to do with such a 4X game. If I want to play a single ship/hero game I am playing Elite or Starfury.
3. Captain Kwok also says that a turn-based system is silly and lopsy. If this is the new design philosphy behind SEV so why not changing the strategy part too to real-time? I am quite sure SEVI (if it somedays arises) will have this.
Of course with a pause button and no clickfest.